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Fairytale country, immersed in nature: Biohotel Schlossgut Oberambach


Surrounded by meadows, fields and forests and the almost unsurpassable views of Lake Starnberg, the Eco-Hotel Schlossgut Oberambach is – unmolested from the rest of the world – seemingly resistant to the daily routine. Once (1476) managed by farmers, the manor house was rebuilt at the end of the 19th century, the imposing building hosted in the early 1900-ies artists, writers and freethinkers. Because this magical place was already reputed a very special energy. That was probably the main reason for the current owner to acquire the hotel 25 years ago and convert to a bio-hotel. As founder of the natural food store Kornkammer in Munich Andreas Schwabe is a real organic expert from the start. All his knowledge from living as a  vegetarian for the last 35 years, the hotelier pushed into his, in the meantime certified, Eco-Hotel.

Schlossgut Oberambach

Enchanting views of the natural swimming pond

Schlossgut Oberambach: Enjoying in harmony with nature

Sustainable management is – in addition to the unforgettable days for the guest – in Schlossgut top priority: The power supply comes from renewable raw materials, the wood chips for heating comes from the own forest. To create an optimal indoor climate (especially valuable for people with allergies), the heating was integrated into clay walls. The house is free of electromagnetic pollution thanks elaborately shielded cables. The Wi-Fi is turned off at 10 pm to guarantee excellent night’s sleep. Speaking of sleep: Some rooms have beds, that are equipped with wood instead of metal springs. There are mattresses made of latex and coconut. Who wonders what the red button in the rooms has to mean – herewith the last spark electricity is eliminated. Good night! And if you leave the window open, you can listen to a merry concert of chirping crickets and croaking frogs. Oh yes – and for flushing the toilet of course rainwater is used. Do you fancy a trip to the fantastic surroundings? The Schlossgut Oberambach has two electric cars (from 29 € / half day), which are available to hotel guests for expeditions in the region (among others Buchheim Museum). Is it consequent? I think so.

Eco-Hotel between heaven and earth

Favorite places in nature

The park offers so many favorite places, that you can hardly decide (necessarily aware when booking – stay long enough to try everything). Whether the gently swing beds (Caution: Light sleep not excluded) with lake view or the natural swimming pond, the lake front of Lake Starnberg with a lakeside property, a bathhouse and beach chair which is reachable by a ten minutes walk or the shade of the pavilions – here you will find peace. Fresh air. And time to breathe properly again.

Health and vitality above the Lake Starnberg

Schlossgut Oberambach

Maximum relaxation in the country

Vitality centre Schlossgut Oberambach

Invigorating Nordic walking, outdoor yoga in the unique nature or one of the fantastic massages from the region (for example, Alpine herbs massage or Ambacher full body massage) in the new vitality centre stimulate body and mind. For beauty treatments (as well as for private use in the rooms) of course Natural cosmetics (Dr. Hauschka) are used. For me personally, always a highlight: off in the pleasant warmth of the sauna in the relaxarea – which, incidentally, will soon receive an exciting make-over. If the new spa is beautiful only half as it was described to me, the sky is expected on earth!

Schlossgut Oberambach

Temple of Health: Vitality centre

The cuisine – delicious, crispy, fresh!

Refined, harvest fresh organic food with local products are served in the restaurant or – my favorite – in the bright conservatory. Weather permitting, the XL-terrace is unbeatable. And what’s on the table? Crisp fresh salads with raw vegetable strips, mushroom cream soup with sour cream, brown bullhead to pointing and cauliflower with polenta and finally a delicious dessert with banana, coconut and chocolate. Alone the 4-course meal would be worth a trip to the Schlossgut Oberambach. Completely new is the the Kraft beer garden, which is the perfect destination to take a wonderfully refreshing Munich organic beer after long walks.

Good cuisine is the foundation of all happiness.

Schlossgut Oberambach

Artwork from the kitchen: organic and regionally

Sounds great? Is absolutely fantastic! And resting on his success isn’t a topic for Andreas Schwabe, whose sons operate also in the hotel. There is always something to optimize. After all, why should not come the vegetable from the hotel’s fields? Appreciated in Demeter quality.

Tip for modern princesses: More romantic can hardly marriaged, as in this magical setting. Not to mention the Bridal Suite.

Prices: Per person in a double room including half board from 95 €. And for those traveling alone Schlossgut Oberambach offers the package “Time for me” to. Two nights with half board and 60-minute spa treatment of your choice at the vitality centre are available from € 328 per person.

Schlossgut OberambachThanks to the Bio-Hotel Schlossgut Oberambach in Münsing on Lake Starnberg for the great organization of my stay! More information and booking for the Schlossgut Oberambach. Click here

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