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What is helping me right now? Breathing and screaming. Sounds weird? But that's how it is.


There are those moments, days, weeks in which everything seems to go wrong, I keep running against walls and I wonder if it’s just me. If I look around, I see satisfied and relaxed people everywhere on Instagram (and also in real life) while walking in forests, on mountains, by lakes … Why does everyone have time all the time and why does the situation we have been in since March 13, 2020 seem to them stuck so much less to make out.

With the ban on events that has been in place for over a year, the basis for our business has been withdrawn. We have applied for funding back, developed video formats to be able to make a virtual GREENSTYLE, expanded our website to the Home of Sustainable Fashion, the GMUC agency | for game changer launched, three more GREENSTYLE events planned (and canceled again), the GREENSTYLE (Responsible) Fashion Summit set up. And we will soon open the GREENSTYLE Popup Store @ Munich City Hall. I was never bored at any moment. We cannot be accused of not having tried everything to save our business, to reinvent ourselves, to use the crisis as an opportunity to continue our mission.

Was mir gerade hilft?

When the feeling of fainting becomes too strong and breathing is no longer sufficient, screaming helps. At least me.

With an extra dose of activism, I distract myself from my feeling of powerlessness.

But for me, there is another reason for this activism. I try to distract myself. To distract from the fact that I have felt locked up, controlled, patronized, disempowered, powerless for over a year. I have been trying to channel this powerlessness as best I can for over a year now. With all these actions, formats, ideas for GREENSTYLE, I distract myself from a faint that takes my breath away.

My birthday is 3.5. And exactly what am I doing there? Probably nothing.

I’ll be 50 next Monday. The number doesn’t bother me in the least. But it really hurts that I can’t celebrate my fiftieth birthday properly with my friends or family. Of course, I can celebrate in a few months (or whenever we’ve finally vaccinated enough people so that a reasonably normal life and my job can work again). But my birthday is 3.5. and there I do exactly what? The way it looks: nothing.

Was mir gerade hilft?

After the screaming, a bit of calm returns. Ommm.

What helped me A self-prescribed scream therapy.

What really helped me on Sunday to overcome this personal crisis, which many may not understand because it is not systemically relevant? We were with Leni and Pauli at the lake. And I screamed, ran, jumped, let the sun shine on my nose, breathed and spent time with my family. Heaven, that did you good. I’m feeling much better now. And at some point I’ll be 51 or 52 or 53.

Brief change of subject: Welcome to my Uniform.

If you want to know what I’m wearing? This is my current uniform. Favorite jeans Stardust from DAWN denim, my favorite bomber jacket (vintage) from Diesel, my 24/7 sneakers from Nat2 Footwear. And underneath? The camisole from Coco Malou Lingerie from our GREENSTYLE rental capsule “Pauline” for Fairnica and a bralette from Erlich Textil. The sub-luxe? That would be going too far now 🙂 The sky-blue tank top made of organic cotton, recycled cotton and recycled polyester by American Vintage is actually new. I also have the right pants for this – my daughters call them “Mami’s 24-hour pants” because I wear them in the home office, so I can lie on the couch and, if need be, also fall into bed. American Vintage is not an eco brand. But the French are working hard on the topic of sustainability and are converting many processes. This takes a while. A change of course for a company that has been active in the market since 2005 can only take place gradually. The increasing proportion of natural fibers, the use of biodegradable wool, water-saving denim production with plant-based colors, more sustainable orientation of the French company headquarters, minimization of the CO2 footprint in the stores … We will see which steps will be the next.

And how are you doing at the moment? Do you also have a “Corona uniform”?

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