After a rather laborious, yet great arrival (my 8:20 am flight on Saturday was canceled and I had formed a carpool thanks Sixt voucher with three incredibly nice people) I arrived in the capital in the late afternoon. My original weekend plan Air Berlin although torpedoed, but I won´t let me spoil the mood so quickly. After all there are alternatives. Just as the trip to the Monkey Bar (with 1-A sunset and Apple & Pepper Gin). Perfect preparation for the Fashion Week: A relaxing retreat in VaBali. I had already heard about this wellness temple and can only say: great! A great match preparation before the always great, but busy Fashion Week. In order not to lose the track and to inform all the interested what I intend in the coming days, I decided to post my Fashion Week Schedule.
Voila: my Fashion Week Schedule
Over the next three days my Fashion Week schedule is so crowded, that I’m not going to come up to post much on the Blogzine. The follow-up reports, interviews & Co. I post following the Fashion Week. Who still wants to know what I do all day: On Instagram You’re live!
Monday, June 27:
5.30 pm: European Fashion Award – Fash 2016
7 pm: Show & Order picnic in Kraftwerk Berlin
Tuesday, June 28:
From 11 am: Interviews with O MY BAG, NINE TO FIVE and Flavia Aranha
2 pm: Backstage Salonshow @greenshowroom
3 pm: Salonshow @greenshowroom
3.45 pm: Interview with Magdalena Schaffrin (founder Greenshowroom)
4 pm: Interview with Inez Bjørg David (founder
5 pm: Ethical Fashion Show at Postbahnhof
7 pm: press event Umasan in Quartier 206
Wednesday, June 29:
11 am: Interview with deepmello founder Dr. Anne-Christin Bansleben
2 pm – 6 pm: Berlin fashion salon in Kronprinzenpalais (among others Isabel de Hillerin, MalaikaRaiss, Felder Felder)
2.30 pm: I’VR Isabel Vollrath in me Collectors Room
2 – 4 pm: Haikure Teatime at Soho House
4 pm: Fashion Show Rebekka Ruetz in Erika Hesse Eisstadion
5 pm: Philomena Zanetti in me Collectors Room
7 pm: Tomascanyi in me Collectors Room
If anyone wonders how all this should be to create in an afternoon? I do not even. I’ll try it anyway, because I do not know what date I should emphasize. I look forward to each!
Thursday, June 30:
10 am – 2 pm: Noveaux Blogger Lounge @ethicalfashionshow
12 noon: Fashion Show Wataru Tominga x ELLE in Erika Hess Eisstadion