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Music like being crushed. Permit: Jim Button


Jim Button has always loved to sing – as a teenager she even memorized 90 ABBA songs. And a few years ago the trained photographer decided during a trip to Norwayto to start a songwriter career. Said and done. And off you go. So, and on 28.of Octobre the debut album of the Hamburger-based comes. With 12 gorgeous spherical songs that go under the skin, lyrics that move and almost act of proximity and intimacy. My Favourite Song? “Sunday Morning”. Or the catchy “Keep Calm And Carry On”. Or – wait a moment – that would be really unjust to the other ten titles. Because all 12 are simply F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C.

Jim Button

The songs of the woman from Hamburg act from closeness (c) Dennis Dirksen

Her songs move between big emotions and pop-moments

Jim Button prefers genuine people. Commercial pin-up stuff is not her thing. That’s why she made her way to Barcelona with videofilmer Dennis Dirksen (e.g. Scorpions), asked 22 couples if they could snog for her video clip to “Sunday Morning” for her in front of the camera. 20 were right away and the video was made fast. Lucky? No, Button charm. And you can hear it in every single song on her album “Undone”. Affected by the current song, tense to the next, slightly bouncing with the foot, I have listened to the complete album. And then started again from the beginning.

Jim Button

Be songwriter? Why not! (C) Dennis Dirksen

Music like crunching. Permit: Jim Button

That was a few days ago. And what can I say – since then the disk runs with me up and down. And I became second nature to that I can hear her even when I write. I could only do this with Angus & Julia Stone in the background. Why do I listen to music when I can not actually write? Simply because I am shielding myself from the outside world, in most cases from my two daughters. And with the temperament of the two young ladies this is only possible with headphones. And with music

Jim Button

Actually, Jim is Carolin (c) Dennis Dirksen

Jim Button “Undone” is available from 28.10.2016. Listen now

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