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Köstliche Energy-Kicks: die Smoothies im Bite Delite


Great, yesterday I had the good fortune to convince me at the pre-opening of the excellent quality at Munich’s new fast food highlight Bite Delite: Vegan wraps, delicious dips (avocado / mint, hummus, etc.) with crunchy raw vegetables and numerous other small, energy-giving delicacies, gave a first impression, of what approach to people in Munich Bite Delite on the table or in the snack mug to go (obviously environmentally friendly porcelain to reuse). After that first night I keep my fingers crossed to all non-residents of Munich, that they will get sooner or later a own Bite Delite in there hometown. Otherwise: Munich is always worth a visit!

The healthy-great concept of Bite Delite

“The focus of our menu is now at the so-called Superfoods*,” says Christina Botschen that operates the Culinary Health temple together with Julian Schramm. For this purpose, the two Owners got inspired from current food trends from London, Los Angeles, Sydney & Co. and brought with there Bite Delite to Munich. Since the 8.3. Vegetarians, vegans and Food Lover can relax in the cool and cozy food haven and get natural and vitamin-rich delicacies from breakfast (e.g. Oat porridge with almond milk) to dinner (e.g. Tuna Time-sandwich with tuna, cucumber, chilli and spring onion). Flavor enhancers and preservatives are abdicated (my favorite: the magnificent quinoa salad) in the preparation of the magnificent salads, soups, wraps, sandwiches & Co. deliberately because all the food is freshly cooked at Bite Delite. Another highlight is in my opinion the coffee menu. With Bite Delite it relies not only on 100% Arabica, but also on a local roaster. Who’s got the taste – and that’s pretty safe – can take home the beans by Johannes Bayer (coffee from Dachau JB) .

One tip: try it at the next trip downtown, after e.g. a visit in a exhibition in the Hypo Kunsthalle. Where? Fünf Höfe, Maffeistraße 6. Opened 7:30 to 19:30.

* Superfoods: are foods with much higher nutrients and active ingredients than other food groups.

Find out more about the concept of Bite Delite. Click here
Great, yesterday I had the good fortune to convince the pre-opening of the excellent quality at Munich’s new fast food highlight Bite Delite: Vegan wraps, delicious dips (avocado / mint, hummus, etc.) with crunchy raw vegetables and numerous other small, energy-giving delicacies gave a first impression of what people from Munich becomes now in Bite Delite on the table or in the snack mug to go (obviously environmentally friendly porcelain to reuse). All non-residents of Munich I can just press your fingers crossed that they will get sooner or later a own Bite Delite in your hometown after that first night. Otherwise: Munich is always worth a visit!

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