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SWEATER II, study of the possible Manu Washaus, 2013


Fast Fashion is quickly consuming fashion. Aside from the fact that for cheap fashion no sustainable materials can be used, fast fashion can usually only be produced under inhumane circumstances. Seamstresses at the edge of exhaustion, low paid and poor working conditions are the reverse of the medal. The image of the collapsed factories in Bangladesh, where at the 24.4. 2013 more than 1000 people have lost their lives, we all have in mind. And now?

Fast Fashion: The dark side of fashion

The great exhibition “Fast Fashion: The dark side of fashion”, which was to see in Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, is still opened till 03.07.2016 in the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum in Dresden and looks behind the scenes of the fashion industry. Movies, pictures, graphics answer the questions, where fashion comes, which make it in a very short time from the catwalk to the clothes rack of fast fashion chains. How, where and by whom it is produced and how it is possible that the selling price of a garment that has traveled on his production path halfway around the world, may be as this low. By the time you’ve seen these pictures, we should be quite easy for the shift towards responsible behavior.

We have not to do without fashion. We just need to rethink and act consciously.

Fast Fashion

SWEATER, study of the possible II Manu Washaus, 2013 (c) anna.k.o.

That there are alternatives without compromising on fashion, showis the area Slow Fashion. From environmentally friendly use of resources, through sustainable production methods with fair working conditions, exciting Upcycling concepts to innovative technologies, the exhibition shows great decelerated concepts that brings you in the mood for fashion. Fashion with a clear conscience.

Less is more.

Dreamlike Slow Fashion of great eco-labels, we collected on my-GREENstyle.com in the headings Fashion and labels.

Fast Fashion: The dark side of fashion.
Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden
12/05/2015 to 03/07/2016

More information – click here


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