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How does my bathroom become a wellness temple? With these wonderful products!


Come down, switch off, just live in the now – time for the green spa! Because the world is turning far too fast (feels faster every year). And we pay much too little attention to ourselves. At least I sometimes feel so. And then I would love to pack my suitcase and just leave. On a South Sea Island, where I lie all day in the hammock under a palm tree and can read books without end. Occasionally sipping a sip from a coconut … Unfortunately, this Slowlife unit is not on the agenda. Just as little as a spa trip in one of the fantastic Eco-hotels with their great wellness worlds, which receive me with pleasant warmth and after a few days with fresh power release again.

Welcome to my-GREENstyle green spa

And that’s why I treat myself to small green spa at home units. With a refreshing peeling in the wonderfully warm tub, candlelight and a (or more) cup of tea. After the bath is then still an extra care unit on me. With sustainable favorite products. And then I go to bed. Sleeping is a miracle.

green spa darling #1: Body Scrub

Green Spa

Sabon NY: fresh cellar with salt from the Dead Sea

An absolute must, is for me a decent peeling. After that, the skin feels so smooth. And somehow you are a bit “new born” afterwards. With the bath and body expert Sabon I made a perfect find. With the slogan “The Essence of Pleasure”, the beauty label from Tel Aviv almost provides relaxation before the application.

The combination of salt and oils has the effect of a fresh cell cure

Salt from the Dead Sea in combination with fantastic oils have an effect on my skin. Only the highest quality natural ingredients come in the pretty bottles. Oh yes: Parabene & Co. have also lost nothing in the products of course. And animal experiments are no longer required anyway.
Body Scrub “Delicate Jasmin” by Sabon, 35 dollars. Available at sabonnyc.com

Green spa darling # 2: Facial soap for impure skin

Green Spa

Bamboo peeling for the face of Binu Beauty

Unclean skin is unfortunately one of the ugly side-effects of a hectic lifestyle. And then begins the devil’s circle. Small pimples appear here and there. And so that they are not immediately discovered by everyone, a bit of Concealer comes on it. Perfect for the small pickle before it becomes a slightly larger to outgrown beauty. Fortunately there is the face soap with bamboo and activated carbon of Binu.

Peeling effect thanks to activated charcoal

The natural soap is exclusively based on vegetable oils such as coconut and olive oil. And the active carbon cleans the skin thanks to peeling effect. The vegan soap, which is produced by the co-founder’s family, I easily foam in my hand – and cleaning can begin. Since my husband knows that my black soaps square can also be used as shaving soap, I have to recapture them by the way.
“Bamboo Charcoal Facial” by Binu, at 22.90 Euro. Available at binu-beauty.de

Green spa darling # 3: detoxing mask

Green Spa

Superpower from seaweed and serum from Starskin

Stretched out in the warm tub and a mask on the face – this is one of the slow-life moments that I am most looking forward to in my spa ritual. Which mask is used depends on the mood. I just tried a facial mask from Starskin. That promises me a real detox unit thanks to the superfood’s organic seaweed. The green energy supplier from the sea was placed in a serum for 20 days. Handpicked, bio-certified and a real sales sling in Korea, where one knows the cleaning ritual more clearly, than here.

Detox from nature thanks to a green seaweed mask

I was less enthusiastic about the fact that I had to take a slide off the mask. It ends up in the garbage. But I have to admit, unfortunately, that the mask was incredibly great – even though I looked quite spooky during the application. Well, my daughters were already in bed. My skin felt incredibly velvety and in the next days I found myself somehow fresher and firmer than I looked in the mirror.
Face Mask “Detoxing Sea Kelp Leaf” by Starskin, 14,99 Euro. Available at douglas.de

Green spa darling # 4: hair mask

Green Spa

Ayurveda for the hair thanks to Moringa oil mask by I.C.O.N.

Also my hair I treat a rich refreshment. Since they are shorter, they are no longer so demanding, but after summer holidays and in winter I spoil them with extra care. The full power of nature lies in the vegan “Hair Yurvedics Mask” from the Indian series by I.C.O.N. Moringa, argan and amber oil, combined with coconut oil and olive oil, are a real moisturizing booster, which gives my wavy hair more power and gives it more shine.

Beauty ritual with tradition: Ayurveda for the hair

Moringa is also called “tree of life”. Whoever used this mask once knows why. The antioxidant effect of argan oil is well-known and the scent is very soothing. In India, these oils have traditionally been used for medicinal purposes. And the hair experts of I.C.O.N. This knowledge has been beneficial for their India series Hair-Yurvedics.
Hairmask “India Hair Yurvedics 24 K” by I.C.O.N., 230 g about 44.95 Euro. Available at flaconi.de

Green spa darling # 5: Scented candle

Green Spa

The candle of Acqua di Baviera conjures a touch of home in my bathroom.

No spa unit without a scented candle. With a good scent in the nose, the recovery is already close at hand. Recently I discovered Acqua di Baviera for me. Munich Perfume CultureMade in Bavaria. Of course as a Munich-born that I am incredibly enthusiastic and the scented candle “Monaco” has moved in with me.

Munich Perfume Culture – Made in Bavaria

Warm and sensual with citrus notes, red berries, a bit of rose, sandalwood and a touch of incense, the scented candle transforms my bathroom into a wonderfully sensuous feel-good oasis (when it is not in the living room).
Candle “Candela Profumata Monaco” by Acqua di Baviera, 59.90 Euro. Available at acquadibaviera.com

Green spa darling #6: Tea

Green Spa

Also warms from inside – organic tea from Pukka

A cup of tea is just as much a must for my bathing routine as a mask. In the summertime, I prefer to drink peppermint tea with lemon and ginger. That’s why I always have an exuberant casserole of Moroccan mint on the terrace. In the winter, I love it a bit more spicy. My current favorite: A tea blend with three different cinnamon varieties from Vietnam, Indonesia and India.

For the inner warmth make a cup of tea with fragrant cinnamon notes

I discovered this wonderfully warming flavor at Pukka, a teal that not only inspires me with its wonderful organic teas. As a member of the “1% for the Planet” initiative, Pukka donates one percent of its sales of environmental and social projects.
Organic tea “three cinnamon” from Pukka, abaout 3.99 Euro. Available in retail and at iloveveggie.de

Green spa darling # 7: Night Cream

Green Spa

Rejuvenation in the crucible – Night cream of Korres

After the tub is before going to bed. Before I disappear to my dream world, however, is still a night cream mandatory program. A few weeks ago I got a product of the Greek beautylabel Korres. Actually, I should test this at a certain point in time and share my experiences at #theovernightproject. I unfortunately missed the date. But I have still tested the product. Conclusion: A little bulky name (Advanced Repair Sleeping Facial Wild Rose), but a wonderful scent (even my daughters have sniffed at me), wonderfully rich consistency and incredibly great skin feel.

Bulky name – great product: Night Cream with instant effect

Wildroseoil and vitamin C, I read in the product description, are responsible for the cell renewal is cranked over night and the complexion after one night is more radiant. I asked my colleagues if they noticed a difference. Of course, I do not know if they wanted to be polite. But I really do not care. Because I find the cream top and will definitely continue to use it.
Night Cream “Advanced Repair Sleeping Facial Wild Rose” by Korres, 40 ml by 32.90 Euro. Available at korres-store.com

Green spa darling # 8: Footbalsam

Green Spa

Creames tired feet airy and makes soft skin – Footbalm of Oliveda

And then, when I am lying in my delightfully comfortable bed, there is still another step before I can escape happily into the realm of dreams. I spoil my feet with the “Softening Foot Balm” from Oliveda. Gently massaged, the power mixture of different herbs ensures that my feet stay warm and are maintained to the max. By the way, the balm is also a must-have product in my SOS package during Fashion Week, where I travel endless kilometers a day.

The power of the olive tree makes stressed feet fit again

With the pampering mini-massage and invigorating camphor my heavy legs are  ready for the next day, despite extreme stress. Just over a year ago, the first Oliveda flagship store opened in Berlin. For those who want to make a detour to Schönhauser Straße 11, I recommend a stop at Olive Tree Pharmacy. Here you can experience the wonderful products, which rely on the power of the olive tree, live. But beware: addiction!
Foot Balm “Softening Foot Balm” by Oliveda, 200 ml, by 34,95 Euro. Available at oliveda.com

And now I say: Good night!

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