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10 Powerfrauen, die die Welt ein bisschen besser machen wollen. Und ich weiß, dass es noch weitere gibt. Meldet Euch!


Fortunately, there are now more and more greenfluencers. The epi centers of green blogging are still Berlin and Hamburg. But something is just happening in Munich right now. New shops, new designers, new events. And more and more people, who not only deal with the topic of sustainability, but also live it. Bloggers, designers, activists. What all have in common? Fair Fashion is an incredibly enriching topic. You learn something everyday. Meet exciting people with their captivating stories, discover great collections. Visionaries, creatives or greenfluencers – we all pull together to make fair fashion the new norm.

For this we invest a not inconsiderable part of our quality time. We engage us as Fashion Revolution Ambassadors, Speakers, Activists – each in her own way. And all with the same enthusiasm. Who are these people? High time to introduce the participants of our #Fair Fashion Forward and a lots more sustainability group. The behind the scenes from the blogger meeting follow asap …


Ten multipliers for green themes – each in her own way

Greenfluencer – Blogger & Fashion Revolution Ambassadors

Marisa Neumeister of myfairladies.net

Marisa was the first green blogger I met “offline”. Of course I founded the Munich Blogger Lounge with her. On myfairladies.net she blogs with her cool style about fair fashion and fights on- and offline tirelessly for the topics Zero Waste and less plastic. This also makes her the second chairwoman of the association “Plastikfrei Oberland eV”, as a spokeswoman for events, in schools etc. Furthermore, she also supports #esgehtauchohne an initiative, which will hopefully eventually banish the maximum unnecessary plastic straw, where nobody misses it … Meanwhile she is a close confidante and like-minded people. So I’m all the more pleased that we work together as Fashion Revolution Ambassadors for Munich.

Mirjam Smend from my-GREENstyle.com

Introducing myself on my blog is kind of weird. If you want to know more about me, you are welcome to look at About, or read my interview on sustainablefashionmatterz.com. But I take this opportunity to briefly present what I am doing next to blogging, my writing for VOGUE.de, GLAMOR, VUE etc. and my job as Fashion Revolution Ambassador? At the moment I am working on bringing Green Fashion Tours from Berlin to Munich, as well as organizing various Fashion Revolution events. The launch of this sustainable innovation in Munich will be part of a second XL project that I’m currently sitting in – more information will be available soon. Fingers crossed!

Greenfluencer – Blogger & Business Women

Magdalena Muggenthaler of freemindedfolks

Actually, Magdalena is a lawyer. And actually she has started a food blog called kaiserlichundköniglich during the exam. But ‘actually’ is such a word that it does not suit Magdalena. In 2015, she launched the Green Lifestyle blog freemindedfolks-blog, where she writes about food, fair fashion, eco-travel and all sorts of slow living topics. In the same year followed her online shop for sustainable interior. But Magdalena, who by the way takes terrific photos, does not suffer all that. That’s why she works as a speaker on blogging, start-up, e-commerce / digital, sustainability / fair products, self-employment and sustainable work. And also advises in all these areas, develops concepts … And all this with almost endless energy and contagious good mood.

Entrepreneurship is hard. And I find Green Entrepreneurship is even harder. I didnt really plan on running 2 green firms at 26 and I still havent fully figured out how it works – organisationally and financially. But the good thing is I dont have to figure it all out on my own. I realized there's so many experienced people out there who I can learn from. So thank you to everyone who who sat down with me for #coffeeandcounsel the past two years or supported me on this journey. You guys are my hereos! 😍🙌 And special thanks to @missmatthes who does not only give good advice but also has a great podcast + newsletter called LFSTL. She interviewed me last week for her podcast right after @thebossway_de and @lauramalinaseiler (😱). If you're ever looking for advice concerning media strategy or sth related, check out missmatthes' podcast! 💫 📷chrisandruthphotography #podcast #interview #speaker #entrepreneurship #startup #freemindedfolksshop #freemindedfolksblog #blogger

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Sina Sachseder from My Precious Life

I met Sina at our first Blogger Lounge 2017. Her desire to deal with everyday life and her blog mypreciouslife.de even more with fair fashion, you should be successful. In the same year she opened the fantastic fair fashion shop PRECIOUS in Rosenheim. And since then, she works in a fair fashion paradise five days a week and can provide daily information, give tips, inspire and convince with great sustainable collections. Definitely always worth a trip – and that’s why we organized a small Blogger Lounge there last year. Speaking about her blog: At the moment Sina has not quite much time. But her articles on yoga mats from Garbage, RAW Food & Co. are as actual as ever. I find her story absolutely inspiring and therefore recommend the article “Live your Dream”.

Greenfluencer – Blogger

Charlotte Schüler from plastikfreileben.de

I also met Charlotte at our first Blogger Lounge. Meanwhile, we have visited one or the other event and have e.g. spent three days at the Innatex in the beautiful Hofheim-Wallau. Conclusion: Since I know Charlotte, I know so much more about plastic and hidden plastic. Because as the name of her blog plastikfreileben.de already suggests – a life WITHOUT plastic is her mission. A topic that already lies with her in the family. Because her mother founded the plastic-free shop in Haidhausen. And what does all this have to do with fair fashion? Damn a lot. In fact, incredibly many beautifully sustainably produced garments are packaged in plastic at some point in the production process. Also not in the mood for plastic? Now you know where you get all the information about fashion, beauty, travel and lifestyle in general.

Julia Mayer from Schrift & Herz

Julia loves writing in any form and has therefore started her blog Schrift & Herz almost three years ago. There she wrote about beauty topics and cafés in Munich, until she started to engage in fair fashion, cleaning out her wardrobe, creating capsule collections. Under the motto “less is more!” you will find on wSchrift & Herz next to instructions for a greener bathroom and “How to do” for beginners and advanced in the topic Capsule Wardrobe great reading tips. Books are the second passion of the Munich woman. Reading and writing is also somehow together, right?

Mary Schmidt from greenlooksgreat.blog

Mary is one half of the Frankfurt fair fashion blog greenlooksgreat.blog. Together with Rosi Bach she writes about sustainable fashion and shows with gorgeous feminine outfits that eco is no longer looking like a jute-sack. Together, they provide plenty of inspiration for modern and feminine looks. They also introduce exciting people, great labels, and lifestyle products that they believe are making the world a bit greener, fairer, and fancier. It was a great pleasure for me to meet Mary for the first time offline at the Ethical Fashion Show in Berlin. All the more I am glad that she came to us so spontaneously to Munich and has expanded our round. By the way, the two of them are starting an exciting challenge in May – so please follow their Insta account.

[PR samples] Less consumption and longer lifetime must come first, if we want to have a chance in stopping the growing mountains of thrown-away clothing. But also the recycling of diminishing resources and turning them into new fabrics is very important. The blouse and pants that Mary wears on the picture are made of recycled materials. The blouse is made of 100% recycled polyester from PET and the pants are made of recycled fishing nets. What do you think of recycled fabrics? Any favorite? // Thx for the photo: @lydiahersberger // #greenlooksgreat #fashionchangers #fashionchangersprepeek #prepeek #fashiontrends #greenshowroom #ethicalfashionshowberlin #ethicalfashion #recycledpolyester #recycledfabric #recycledyarn #recycledmaterials #jannjune #elementeclemente #ethicalisthenewblack #greenisthenewblack #consciousfashion #slowfashion #slowfashionblogger #slowfashionbloggernetwork #sustainablefashion #sustainablefashionblogger #fashioninspo #outfitinspo #autumn2018

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Aline Pronnet from Auf die Hand

We found Aline on Instagram, so to speak. Her hashtags such as #zerowaste and #plastikfrei, integrated her, so to speak, in our group. The native of Munich is actually an art historian, but she stands out for her passions on her blog aufdiehand and as a speaker everywhere. She is living with Zero Waste since 2016, when she saw the film “Ma vie zéro déchet” at the end of 2015. Fruits, vegetables, bread & Co. were already bought long ago packaging free. The final conversion was no longer difficult. That zero is of course seldom zero, Aline knows and makes the way to a garbage-free life as easy as possible for beginners and advanced.

Der #futuristicfebruary von @sustainable_duo dient der Müllanalyse und ist keine Challenge an sich. Der Verbraucher sammelt einen Monat lang seinen Müll und hat dadurch die Möglichkeit am Ende des Monats zu visualisieren, was konsumiert wird und wie viel Müll anfällt. Das ist quasi Schritt 1 von "Zero Waste – Wie fange ich an?". Denn jetzt lassen sich in dieser Reihenfolge die fünf R des Zero Waste anwenden: Refuse – verweigern Reduce – reduzieren Reuse – wiederverwenden Recycle – recyclen Rot – kompostieren Und falls dann noch was überbleibt, kommt das in den Restmüll und wird dadurch bestenfalls der thermischen Verwertung zugeführt. Das ist ein andauernder Prozess, dessen Ziel in unserer Gesellschaft nicht zu erreichen ist, da unsere Wirtschaft nicht zirkulär funktioniert. Also kein Stress, Hauptsache Müllvermeiden und nebenbei die Welt retten. ❤🌍❤ ☮ ♻️ Auf dem zweiten Bild ist zu sehen, was bei mir im Februar angefallen ist. Für meine Verhältnisse "viel", denn ich wechsel nicht jeden Monat meine Zahnbürste und es brennt auch nicht ständig eine Birne durch. 😅 ♻️ Mehr zu meiner Müllanalyse, wie wende ich hier die fünf R an und was lerne ich daraus 👉auf meinem Blog 👉 Link in Bio ♻️ #zerowaste #aufdiehand #muenchengegenmuell #aufdiehandblog #natürlichgehtsumsganze #zerowasteitgirl #zerowastemunich #zerowastegermany #sustainability #nature #natürlich #öko #green #keinetütebitte #banthebag #nofoil #noplastic #plasticfree #nomoreplastic #iquitplastics #nachhaltig #müllfrei #bethechange #ourplanetourhome

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Greenfluencer – Instagramer

Sandra from syringa lotus

I have been following Sandra from syringa lotus for a long time on Instagram. Why? Because I love her pictures. Her style. Her inspirational texts. The tips for cafés from Bielefeld over London to Berlin. Reading recommendations from Confucius to “Simply Live”. Her shop discoveries such as the Coco Monaco in Munich or the “The Golden Rabbit” in Dusseldorf and of course her favorite Fair Fashion labels, which she styled – typically Sandra – grandiose. And when we invited her to the Green Blogger Lounge in Munich, Sandra spontaneously agreed. Of course, there are only five hours by train from Bielefeld to Munich. What fun if you finally meet online friendships offline. My recommendation? @syringalotus necessarily subscribe! Because here you can see how great slow lifestyle can be staged.

Greenfluencer – Aktivisten

Samira Nilius from Be Awear

I met Samira at the Old is the new new Second Hand Popup by my friend Mel (be sure to check out the upcoming dates on Facebook!). She invited a few of us #Fair Fashion Forward bloggers for a talk. Samira joined the group that evening. She founded the Be Awear initiative, which promotes social and environmental justice in the fashion industry. In this context, she is doing fair fashion tours for the Nord Südforum in Munich. Last year she was involved at the Klimaherbst and brought to life the Munich textile regulars Fair Fashion Forward MUC. It has become a bit quiet around the blog, but revolution costs time.

💙Fashion Revolution München💙 What an exciting and amazing day in the heart of Munich city!! We were celebrating #fashionrevolution reaching out for fast fashion consumers: Who made my clothes? Who's the second largest polluter in the world? Who's paying the price for the clothes we buy? How many percentages does a textile worker get? What is the dirtiest clothes in your wardrobe? How much water does it take to make a shirt or a pair of jeans? Do you know the answers? Did you ever think about it? Well, I know that a lot of YOU guys do 😊 but the biggest part of our society doesn't! So we gave it a shot and yes, we WERE getting attention from the people passing by!! 💪 They were taking pictures and reading our textes and some of them also were interested in what they could do better 😃🙌! Luckily we can give them advice and where they can get some orientation help in Munich: www.muenchen-fair.de – a platform from the NGO Nord Süd Forum! #letschangethefashionsystem #letschangetheworldtogether #letsmakethisworldabetterplace 💚🌍💙

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To be continued … Are you a Green Blogger from Munich or around Munich? Then do not hesitate to contact us or register in our Facebook group

Published on April 23, 2018 at 8:15 pm

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