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For the little ones only the best - green favorite products for the offspring


Sustainable gifts for birth have been a must at the latest since I am so intensively dealing with the topic “green”. For, of course, the new earth inhabitants (and their parents) should be brought right from the beginning on the right way. Naturally the silver rattle and the sweet children’s cutlery are still a classic. But most of all the godparents give it. That is why I have some other suggestions for sustainable gifts for birth. And even for every purse!

My tips for sustainable gifts for birth

Raffle: Das boep

For the little ones only the best – so every mother goes for the things she buys for her offspring. Thus also the Munich-based doctor Dr. Michaela Hagemann, who was looking for the right care for the sensitive baby skin of her daughter. And because she did not find anything that corresponded to her ideas, she had just launched the baby-oil project – das boep – with her brother. Supported by a well-known natural cosmetics manufacturer from the Allgäu, she has developed a small, very fine now 7-part care line for (small) children. Free from synthetic scents, mineral oils and parabens. In the really chic, sustainable (!) Vials comes only the best from nature.

nachhaltige Geschenke zur Geburt

The best of nature for Knutschebäckchen and softened skin

So great, that even my 11-year-old daughters uses the baby cream every day for Knutschebäckchen. I also use them – not for the face (in my age, I need a little more power for a radiant complexion), but as a hand cream it is almost unbeatable. What else is there in the das boep range? Bath and care oil, a naturally perfumed anti-fouling cream, a delicate foaming shampoo for skin and hair, a wonderfully fast absorbing bodylotion (which of course we also have at home!) And – a new bubble bath for first swimming tests in the domestic bathtub.

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So, and so that you can convince yourself of the care series (BDIH-certified) for babies and toddlers, I’ll put three sweet travel kits in a raffle. Including: Babylotion mini 50 ml, Babyhampoo mini 50 ml, Babycream 50 ml and a practical pouch made of Oeko-Tex cotton. Just fill in the form at the end of the page! Value per set: 20 euros.

Sustainable gifts for birth # 2: Sleepsuit

The cuddly soft body made of GOTS-certified cotton is just as rosy as the faces of sweet babies. Particularly practical: the wrap cut and the push buttons make the first cleaning tests easier for mothers (and especially fathers). Because I know from my own experience: The simpler, the better! Sleepsuit with apple print by People Wear Organic, about 10,90 Euro. At avocadostore.de

nachhaltige Geschenke zur Geburt

Sustainable gifts for birth # 3: Walkoverall

Honestly – such a cuddly overall I would like to have for myself sometimes! The classic of Hessnatur is not just the daily hero in the autumn – even in winter it is always the right choice for the little ones. For my daughters, I had at that time wonderfully cuddly dividers from Flies. But at the time I did not know how harmful polyester products are to our environment. This one is produced in Germany from kbt-certified new wool. Walkoverall made from pure organic new wool, about 74.75 euros. At hessnatur.com

nachhaltige Geschenke zur Geburt

Sustainable gifts for birth # 4: Slippers

Cold feet? Ugh, nobody wants that. Not even the sweet little ones. And that is why it is so important that they are always kept warm. Give and do good: For every sold pair of shoes, TOMS provides a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One. Baby shoes from TOMS, about 34,95 Euro. At shoptoms.com

nachhaltige Geschenke zur Geburt

Sustainable gifts for birth # 5: Teddy bear

Every child needs a teddy bear. From the beginning. And he shall accompany him all his life. Of course, I still have my teddy. And when I sniff at his little nose, wonderful childhood memories come up in me. Quite honestly – why not even from sustainable, fairtrade cashmere. Just like this little cuddly companion from Switzerland. Teddy by FTC Cashmere, around 99 euros. At ftc-cashmere.com

nachhaltige Geschenke zur Geburt

Sustainable gifts for birth # 6: Baby rattle

Ringring – if you can not speak yet, you just want to rattle. How else should we draw attention to ourselves? With shouting? No thanks! Then with the fair-produced, supersweet baby rattle from organic cotton! Crochet rattles from Bebble, about 15,95 Euro. At babylotta-shop.de

nachhaltige Geschenke zur Geburt

Sustainable gifts for birth # 7: Teething ring

The sweet giraffe probably know most of us. And because the baby’s classic is threatened with extinction, this gift is as sweet as it is persistent. Even if the offspring initially does not have any teeth, he will quickly learn to grap afterwards and can train the little teeths. It’s also available in the set with the classic rubber giraffe for 31.99 euros. At avocadostore.com
Teething ring So’pure from Sophie la girafe Cosmetics, around 10 euros. At najoba.com

nachhaltige Geschenke zur Geburt

Sustainable gifts for birth # 8: Cuddle blanket

To mumble, while breastfeeding over the shoulder or crawl under it, if one needs a break. Plus: The GOTS-certified blanket with the friendly whales keeps you warm and is a friendly color patch in the children’s room. Blanket of Fresk, about 29,95 Euro. At auryn-naturfashion.de

nachhaltige Geschenke zur Geburt

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