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Green Blogger Lounge 2nd Edition in München


FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge 2018

Under the slogan #letschangethatfashiongame, Marisa and me, in our function as Fashion Revolution Ambassadors, invited for the second time at the beginning of the Fashion Revolution Week green bloggers to the 2nd edition of the #FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge. To get to know, exchange, brainstorm. Some blogger buddies like Jess from Ecken and Kanten and Leoni von Glowing were unfortunately prevented this time. For this, we welcomed new dedicated power women like Magdalena from freemindedfolk.com, who not only blogs, but built a complete business around ther sustainable interior theme.

Meet the makers & join us

I already introduced the participants of the #FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge and their blogs here. Bloggers who want to become part of our Munich Facebook group #FairFashionForward and a lot of sustainability are welcome to contact us. Here we talk about sustainable topics throughout the year and keep up to date with dates, events, etc. Because, after all, Fashion Revolution always is.

Supporter of #FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge

How to make a goodie bag a good bag? When filled with products of great eco-labels. A great opportunity to bring bloggers and labels together. A brief insight into the respective philosophies can be found below. And as far as the location is concerned, it could not have been better.

FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge

#FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge x DERAG Living Hotel at Viktualienmarkt

Right downtown – the 2nd Edition of the Blogger Lounge took place at the DERAG Living Hotel at Viktualienmarkt. After the guided-visit of the gorgeous city residence, there was a champagne reception in the hotel bar before we retreated for the lounge evening in the conference room with the best view of the colorful market. The delicious XL-Veggie-tarte flambee have already given a first impression of what is important in the kitchen: Regionality is here in addition to 1A quality namely at the top of the list.

Rooms with panorama: the view in the DERAG Living Hotel on Viktualienmarkt is hard to beat

And not only we had something to celebrate this evening. DERAG Living Hotels also had every reason to do so. Because nine of the 16 houses have a Green Globe certification since the end of April. The remaining houses will follow during the year. What I am particularly pleased about: Green Globe is not just about a status quo, which has to be kept. Green Globe is one of the world’s leading certification and performance improvement programs to enhance economic, social and environmental sustainability in the travel and tourism industry. Here investments are made for the future. And in the case of DERAG Living Hotels, this is not just a decision of the management. Here the employees have a chance to speak and bring in their ideas. And they range from uncomplicated topics such as water sprinklers instead of water bottles, unpacked food at breakfast and the renunciation of coffee-to-go cups to the introduction of an a daycare facility for children. Further insights into the Derag Living Hotel on Viktualienmarkt can be found here

PS: My advice: definitely visit my favorite vegan restaurant “Tian”. That’s right down in the hotel. And: In the meantime the splendid courtyard has been opened – perfect for a cool drink!

Willkommen in der Downtown-residenz am Viktualienmarkt

Willkommen in der Downtown-residenz am Viktualienmarkt

Lesen, trinken, entspannen - die Bar ist ein herrlicher Ruhepol.

Lesen, trinken, entspannen - die Bar ist ein herrlicher Ruhepol.

Und was ist Euer Lieblingsdrink? Den gibt's hier in jedem Fall!

Und was ist Euer Lieblingsdrink? Den gibt's hier in jedem Fall!

Stilvoll anstoßen auf faire Fashion

Stilvoll anstoßen auf faire Fashion

Verpackungsfrei schmeckt das Frühstück doppelt gut.

Verpackungsfrei schmeckt das Frühstück doppelt gut.

Liebevolle Details machen es herrlich familiär

Liebevolle Details machen es herrlich familiär

Unverschämt lecker und herrlich regional: verschiedene Flammkuchen

Unverschämt lecker und herrlich regional: verschiedene Flammkuchen

Wenn ein morgen mit einem herrlichen Frühstück beginnt, kann eigentlich auch nichts mehr schief gehen...

Wenn ein morgen mit einem herrlichen Frühstück beginnt, kann eigentlich auch nichts mehr schief gehen...

Der Viktualienmarkt ist nicht nur vor dem Fenster in Sicht

Der Viktualienmarkt ist nicht nur vor dem Fenster in Sicht

TOBS The Organic Beauty Store & Spa: Beauty Heaven

I accompany the organic beauty gem of Rainer Hauber from the beginning. You can find my report about our first contact here. As an extension of the lovingly curated premium natural cosmetics from Amala to the Austrian label Lederhaas to the favorite products of Twelve, the concept has now been extended to a small, maximum fine spa. Of course, I have already tested this and send everyone who asks me about an organic spa to Dounia, whose application is heaven on earth.

Organic Beauty Hotspot – TOBS in Haidhausen

Who would I have rather had as a special event at the second #FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge than the wonderful TOBS team? And so we not only learned a lot about the concept of Store and Spa that evening. All participants received an individualized skin consultation from Dounia and tests adjusted to their needs. Conclusion: The one or the other new fan should have got TOBS on the evening, as happy as all looked. More about TOBS can be found here


Armedangels – Eco Pioneers with Ambition

Armedangels can be called without much exaggeration as German Eco Pioneers. For eleven years, the Cologne label has been making sustainable fashion without compromise. What started with a fair-produced organic cotton t-shirt collection has become a very fashionable collection. Slow-fashion fans will find unusual pieces from the apricot-colored culotte to classic striped looks and my beloved Mao jacket.

The Cologne-based are far from resting on their success.

They have just dedicated themselves to the subject of wool under the motto “Nothing to Hide”. You can read more about this in my article “Faire Wolle” on VOGUE.de. And of course, Armedangels is at the forefront when it comes to Fashion Revolution. Every year there are limited T-shirts with pretty smart claims. Last year was about “Nothing to hide”. This year, the Cologne-based warned against forgetting with “It’s on us to remember …”. And on the back of the shirt are the geographic coordinates of Dakha in Bangladesh, where so many people lost their lives because fast-fashion companies in 2013. The whole collection is here


Dawn Denim – #honest #fair #denim

Definitely one of my top fashion discoveries of the last year. Also from Cologne and with its own factory in Saigon / Vietnam, the three dedicated founders produce great denim collections and, with their consistent fairness and transparency, make an important mark in the denim business. And DAWN also has something to celebrate: just recently the label, with its sophisticated cuts and cool details, became PETA certified and a member of the Fair Wear Foundation. Plus: Soon the vegan #lowimpact collection will be launched, which includes organic cotton and Tencel as well as recycled plastic. All details can be found in my label portrait. DAWN has provided us with great denim leftover XL bags for our good bag. Each different. And each a favorite piece. And here’s the sustainable denim sky

FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge


Hello Simple – 100% fresh and 100% effect

The Berlin start-up I discovered in spring at the Vivaness in Nuremberg and was immediately enthusiastic: in tons of plastic packed beauty products with very long ingredients information were the trigger for the founding of Hello Simple. Here you will find portioned organic ingredients that, thanks to a simple recipe, can be transformed into deliciously freshly scented deodorants, a rich body butter with the auspicious name “Pfeffi-Love” and washing powder. Free from harmful ingredients. And without plastic.

Less is definitely more for Hello Simple

But vegan and certified organic. And only with a handful of ingredients. That’s all you need. Who wants to know, with which materials your skin comes into contact, should make your own products, is the credo of the two founders. And that’s why Hello Simple’s products can be customized with an online configurator. Or. Pregnant women, babies & Co. even without fragrance. The clever DIY kits are bottled in the Berlin workshops from people with disabilities. The products are also unisex by the way. Why complicated, if it just works ?! All sets are available at hellosimple.de


Carry Bottles – good for us and the environment

Great designs. Of course, made of glass. Recyclable. Made in Germany. We are talking about the most appealing carry bottles, which are not only the right choice with their dots, graphic patterns and pretty prints, but also make a perfect figure on the office desk and on Instagram posts. Unbelievable, but in Germany alone 17 billion (!) plastic bottles are used every year. A number that could be lowered so easily if we enjoyed our (wonderful drinking) water from glass bottles. The Lower Saxon company has therefore set itself the goal of creating high-quality products made of environmentally friendly materials, which are produced under fair conditions. They have definitely succeeded with their drinking bottles. So: stop the disposable bottle. Her with the sustainable design bottle. #plasticissoyesterday Available for 29,90 Euro at carrybottles.com


Mit Ecken und Kanten – Why so perfect Honey?

Jess was not part of the #FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge this time, but on a well deserved vacation. After completing her studies, she founded her own business in addition to her blog The Liveliest. Mit Ecken und Kanten is probably the “most imperfect” online store. So the claim. Of course, the reality is very different. In her Green Lifestyle Outlet, Jess gives a second chance to products with blemishes. And the blemishes are often not even visible. A last-year sweater from The Colorful Crew can still be “My Favorite Jumper” in a year’s time, the deodorant from Ponyhütchen with an “old” label is just as effective as the “current” version and the eco-bread box with little ones Scuffs carry the butter cake as well as without. If they are major blemishes, they will be described in detail. Double Plus: The sustainable favorite finds, despite their small flaws, customers who love them and we as consumers pay a little less. It’s worth stopping by. Regularly! Click here for Mit Ecken und Kanten


People wear Organic x Michael Michalsky

Who is behind the German eco label? Ten women who have said bye to much of the conventional fashion. And those who have written fairness, transparency and naturalness for their baby, children and women’s label on the flags. But what does all this have to do with Michael Michalsky? He’s a GNTM juror. I agree. But he is also a designer. And what truly distinguishes him in addition to his own high-fashion collection – he manages to breathe new life into all thinkable labels with sensitivity and creativity. Adidas, MCM Tchibo – MM makes it possible. And now he’s partnered with People Wear Organic to design the rather casual “Style for Thought” bag collection. Of course organic. Of course, fair. And of course GOTS certified. Like everything at People Wear Organic. Available e.g. at alnatura-shop.de


SeeMe – “No charity just work”.

Beautiful jewelery and sweet accessories with heart can be found for four years at the Amsterdam jewelry label SeeMe. But of course that’s not all. Because the jewelry is A) fair trade, B) it is designed in the headquarters in Amsterdam and C) made by women in Tunisia who were victims of violence or were disowned by society. Many of them are single mothers. This women trains SeeMe in the art of jewelry design. Of course they are paid fairly. Always under the motto “No charity just work”. How did the smart concept come about?

Catarina Occhio has taken the control.

During her travels Catarina Occhio learned a lot about the living conditions of women in the Middle East and North Africa. Instead of staying idle, she took the control and founded SeeMe. As a safe harbour, training center and workplace for women who have no place in society. SeeMe give hope to these women again. In the past, the label has already cooperated with e.g. Karl Lagerfeld, Missoni and Pucci. Always with the goal to create more jobs in Tunisia. The commitment comes, as the great response to the #heartmovement proves: Prominent testimonials are e.g. Nicole Kidman, Suzy Menkes, Alessandra Ambrosio and Angela Missoni. More information can be found here


Yumeko – change the world while you sleep

What’s important for the Dutch label since 2010? To sleep heavenly. And the bedtime experts manage this for a number of reasons: First, because they work with great sustainable materials. On the other hand, because their designs and the quality of the cuddly eco bedding, the wonderfully soft bedspreads & Co. is simply terrific. No harmful chemicals, but allergen-free and fair. And even affordable. In beautiful pastel shades, and in sizes that are not common for every manufacturer.

Stop sleepless nights. Change the world sleeping!

How do I know this? I was laying A) already twice in a Yumeko bed on the sheets of the Dutch (recently with Maddie DariaDaria) and B) interviewed the Yumeko founders Rob van den Dool and Stephan Zeijlemaker some time ago. My conclusion: Yumeko bedding is high on my wish list. Because if I’m already sleeping, then it should be heavenly. The whole range of Yumeko is here


At this point I would like to thank all bloggers who have made this evening so wonderful, to the DERAG Living Hotel at the Viktualienmarkt for the provision of the room, the sparkling champagne, the great Tarte Flambée and the fantastic service. And, of course, my thanks are just as much to our great cooperation partners who made the good bag possible. #letschangethatfashiongametogether

Published: 8. Juni 2018

FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge 2017 in Munich

Together it’s better. And that is why we launched the first FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge in Munich at the start of the Fashion Revolution Week 2017. With ten maximally committed young women, who deal with exciting green topics on their blogs. These fantastic power girls I have to introduce, of course!

Why I write here about other bloggers? Because each participant (yes, it was exclusively girls) of the FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge with XL passion with incredibly exciting topics, which are enriching for us all. And because I have not yet seen so real vibes in terms of FairFashionForward in Southern Germany, Marisa of myfairladies.net and I decided to change that.

Welcome to the first FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge

The aim of the first event was to get to know each other personally and to network with each other, because sometimes things improve better together. After all, we want to bring our great themes to the widest possible readership. We want everyone to ask questions that the others might be able to answer, and to help each other with tips … The result of the evening in the wonderful Conceptstore Phasenreich in the Reichenbachstraße in Munich? Exciting CVs, great blogs and a definite plan to meet again as soon as possible.

FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge

I also ask myself the question again and again. In this case “full fair”: shirt and pants @hessnatur, jacket @armedangels


And who was beside me? Marisa from myfairladies.net, which I met after the start of my-GREENstyle.com as the first fair fashion blogger offline. In the meantime, she is working happily in Munich, so we were able to get together very well with the organization of the FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge. On her blog Marisa writes about fair fashion and we can accompany her on her way to a plastic-free life. Sina, who just started her blog mypresiouslife.de shows how to make her own life more sustainable.

FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge

Julia and Sina would have a question – but the two know it already

And Leonie, who, with glowing-mag.de, makes an eye-catching lifestyle magazine with vegan recipes, Fair Fashion & Co. Leonie, by the way, was the trigger for me to organize the blogger lounge. She has just moved to her new job at LangerChen from Cologne to Munich – an indication for me that there must be other green bloggers in Munich, together with Marisa and me, who should finally be brought together.

FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge

Leonie, Jess and I – what a great start to the Fashion Revolution Week

Jess from theliveliest.com lives in Sweden, but was on a home visit in Nuremberg and has also enriched our round. By the way, she has just presented her first haulternative with the Youtube creator Kia (also present at the #FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge) from Hi, I’m Kia on the occasion of the Fashion Revolution Week – a sustainable counterpoint to a fashion haul. The video is here

Green Girlpower in Munich

Julia Post has chosen another green aspect and is working with great commitment to her initiative coffee-to-go-again.de. Because with a cup of your own you can save both the environment and resources. In addition, she has also written a book (see Goodie Bag), is active at Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, and, and, and … Julia Mayer blogs on Schrift und Herz about Capsule Wardrobes, beauty topics, new fair fashion labels and everything the passionate writer has so much desire to do. The subject of plastic-free life is devoted to Charlotte. How to do that? This tells Charlotte here. Oh, there was a spontaneous visit from the two Steffis of Utopia.de. But I do not need to introduce them, because the XL platform for sustainable life you certainly know all!

FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge

Julia Post wants to know

Great diversity of topics – a goal: We want to make the world a little bit better with our themes, give alternatives and show that conscious consumption can be a lot of fun. And we can support each other. Conclusion of the first FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge: This was not the last event because we still have so many ideas! We are you looking for the next location and have planned exciting topics?

Thanks to our supporters:

The #FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge has been supported with fantastic sustainable products: Many thanks to FOGS – the Green Style Magazine for the latest issue with many great-green themes, at the Hessnatur bio-fashion experts for the Zero-Waste-Shirt that appears wonderful, to Mani Bläuel for the delicious olives (of course, long ago eaten!) and the olive paste, the hair experts O’right for the greenest shampoo in the world and the hair oil, which creates a wonderful shine. And, of course, a heartfelt thanks to the two great makers of the Phasenreich, whose café we were allowed to use as a location and with the small planting cubes make our home a little greener.

FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge

Lots of sustainable favorite things – our Good Bag

Pukka Herbs gave us the splendid “clear” tea for beautiful skin and the travel tin provided for the relaxed tea break on trips. Rapunzel has provided with organic sparkling wine and delicious chocolate (my favorite: Chili!) for delicious delicacies. All the great things were packed into the most beautiful good bag ever. Thank you Thokk Thokk from Munich for printing the fair trade bags with our #FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge logo. And, of course, 1000 thanks to Yumeko, the Dutch expert for sustainable beds, mattresses and more – which provides a sustainable sleep with eco cotton sleep masks!

FairFashionForward Blogger Lounge

Favorite bag by Thokk Thokk

In this sense: FairFashionForward, because Fashion Revolution Week is over, but Fashion Revolution is every day!

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