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A look behind the scenes of a fashion show is always exciting!


A look behind the scenes before the Salonshow

The turbulent goings in backstage before a fashion show has always fascinated me. Countless fantastic collection pieces of favorite labels like Elsien Gringhuis, DfC x Jan’n’June, Nine to Five, Studio Jux & Co. waiting to be showed at the Salonshow. Currently they are only just sort the clothes on the rails of the corresponding models. Dressing that pass their sheets and prepare for the decisive moment. Models with XL-curlers who made themselves comfortable with music in the ear and wait for the next step. Others are just while blow-drying, straightening, backcombing or prepared under the expert hands of makeup artists of Aveda in the chord on the big show.

Time is short -. Everything goes in the preparation of the Salon Show in Chord

In a corner tables are standing with drinks, delicious salads, raw vegetables, dips – but be careful, after the mask must not be eaten of course! Extra large charts, where the looks were already brought into the correct order – and yet resorted again. Many people with headsets that still give final instructions or get jobs. Drifting is a bit hectic, the mood but not tight. Here are just professionals at work. Speaking professionals: The Salonshow was first time staged by designer François Eymeric from Paris together with Greenshowroom founder Magdalena Schaffrin. Shortly before the countdown I’m looking at my seat at the catwalk and await with interest, on the implementation of what I got in parts already faced.

Wenn ich so herzlich begrüßt werde, trete ich gerne ein

Wenn ich so herzlich begrüßt werde, trete ich gerne ein

Unter Zeitdruck wird backstage vierhändig gearbeitet

Unter Zeitdruck wird backstage vierhändig gearbeitet

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Musthave für die upcoming season - dieser Mantel von Studio Elsien Gringhuis

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Elsien Gringhuis, Lanius & Co. alle Lieblingslabels auf einer Kleiderstange

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Einer meiner Lieblingslooks mit den Star-Bots von Nine to Five x Black Velvet Circus

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Repeatedly surprising if the big mess culminates in a fantastic show

Hours of preparation for just 20 minutes catwalk show. But the effort was worth it, the Salonshow is a success. Around 50 sustainable high-fashion looks for the spring / summer season 2017 have impressed the audience in the club of the Berlin Postbahnhof. And has again shown that sustainable fashion of course – all doubters defiance – is suitable for the catwalk. Thanks for the great event!

My favorite pictures of the Salonshow

Midst of it: Here’s the official video of the Salonshow in Berlin. Please sit back!

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