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Earth Day


Apps for EarthTo support the activities of the WWF, the App Store offers a platform for the together with the WWF launched Apps for Earth Campaign. On the occasion of Earth Day (on 22.4.) Are up to 24.4. all sale proceeds of participating apps directly donated to the World Wildlife Fund for Nature. So, if anyone has planned anyway, to download apps (my selection see below), he can do even something good up to Sunday.

The state of our Earth

  1. Every minute disappears forests in the size of 48 football fields.
  2. Oceans (71 percent of the earth’s surface) represent the life support system of the earth, that is in great danger because of pollution.
  3. Climate change, population growth and water consumption behavior lead to a dramatic reduction of the already limited natural resources (only one percent of the water on earth is fresh and accessible!).
  4. The population of vertebrate species has declined in the last 40 years by 52 percent.
  5. The food demand will double by 2050 and yet, 1.5 times of all natural resources we already consume.

Apps for Earth: my favorites

An Overview of apps for Earth apps, visit the App Store. I have compiled here my personal favorites:

♥ WWF Together – Planet Earth Story: Here you can immerse yourself in the WWF Earth Story – with activities, pictures, information and insights into the work of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature. (1.99 €)

Enlight: With by Nature inspired presets for your own photos, can be shown that one is about the environment (3,99 €)

procreate: Cool characters app with great artwork, that was designed especially for the Earth Day. (2.99 €)

Yoga Studio – Earth Salutations: six new yoga classes and 15 inspiring meditations who shows the theme earth and its resources. (3.99 €)

VSCO – WWF: The limited WWF preset improve light and colors at scenic and wildlife shots. (0.99 €)

More information on the work of the WWF

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