powered by Kunert
And suddenly the tights are back again! I could not imagine a better timing, because sensual fishnet tights celebrate their fashionable comeback exactly when the German traditional tights manufacturer Kunert with the recycled tights from the Kunert Blue Collection supplies the perfect sustainable accessory for fashion fans. If that is not an omen …

The revolution from the sea – Fishnet tights of Econyl
No question, the eyecatcher potential of the net tights has a long tradition in fashion history. As an exciting accessory on the legs of Parisian Cancan dancers in the 20ies, as an it-piece of the 60ies Supermodel Twiggy, which perfectly matched her long dream legs between the XS mini and the plateau with this eyecatcher accessory. As an indispensable accessory for staging the revolutionary stage looks of Madonna & Co …
The Comeback of the fishnet tights
Already a few weeks ago I had a small fashion-historical review of the fashion-piece with the sensual appeal dared, because the small, sometimes large-meshed accessory suddenly increased on Instagram & Co. The tights so obviously celebrates quite recently its (long overdue!) Comeback. And the time could not be any better, as from January 21, 2017 is the innovative, because 100 percent of recycled materials are made by Kunert Blue.
Fashion that respects the circle of life
Dived out of the sea and directly on the very big fashion stage, one could almost say that there were not many work steps between the discarded fishing nets and the fantastic Kunert Blue netting tights. Because the Kunert Blue is not simply a mesh tights, but it is the revolutionary sustainable fashion innovation of the past.
Kunert Blue proves that sustainable can be super sexy
The German traditional company Kunert, which has also been mentioned as an exemplary pioneer since 1991, has published its eco-balance, has done fantastic pioneering work with the net tights from the sea. The favorite pieces from the Kunert Blue collection are made of Econyl, an innovative nylon yarn made from fish nets and other plastic waste from the sea. Say, Kunert makes fashionable favorite accessories and at the same time contributes to reducing the worldwide still growing plastic waste mountain in the oceans. It couldn´t be better! However, it is actually even better, because with every purchase 50 cents are donated to the coast and sea protection. All models from the Kunert Blue collection are available here for 16 euros
In scene: the showpiece of Kunert Blue
Super-sexy, incomprehensibly stylish, cuddly-soft AND 100 percent sustainable – and the good conscience is free. The sensual tights with the extraportion Sexappeal I showed in one of my last outfit Posts already. With the innovative fishnet tights from Kunert, I am now starting a fashion statement at regular intervals. Sometimes she will be subtle under the trousers of cropped jeans, sometimes she peeks through the well-placed visual range of deconstructed denim-Darlings or she will get the visibility to her by leaving the trouser collar behind and – pulled up to the belly – to set the waist in scene. Styling possibilities are many and I will find their place here in the coming weeks.

From the sea to the fashion stage: the innovation of Kunert

Perfect combination of cool, sexy and sustainable!

Strong appearance guaranteed!

Net tights always fit
And when did you last wear a net tights? I can only recommend: Absolutely to make again, because the sensory wear is incomparable!