That sounds once quite brittle and Upper pedantic. In fact, the “Recipes for the future”, however, are a great opportunity to supplement our nutrition knowledge and to be supplied with fantastic, environmentally-friendly recipes simultaneously. What fish you can eat without feeling guilty? Are strawberries from South Africa Climate sin? Author Susanne Pretterebner is the impact of our consumption and eating behavior on the environment and climate to the bottom. And she shows with 48 delicious recipes (definitely try in March: cabbage rolls with yoghurt dip – see below) in the removable seasonal calendar, that responsible food thanks to seasonal and regional account, allow a non-negligible contribution to environmental protection. Green Eating at its best!
If many small people do in many places, many little things, they can change the face of the world. African proverb
Entertaining: With Dictionary Austrian – German – Swiss German. In Germany your are eating Kohl, so in Austria you gets Kraut on the plate. Comes in Austria Kohl in the pot, in Germany and Switzerland the vegetables called Wirsing.
Recipes for the future of Susanne Pretterebner, photos of Hubertus Schüler (Becker Joest Volks Verlag), 37 €. Buy here
Green Eating: cabbage rolls with yoghurt dip
Ingredients (2-3 plates)
140 g millet
130 g leek
6 tablespoons canola oil
60 g raisins
15g flaked almonds
2 cloves of garlic
1 ½ tsp cumin
each 3 Msp. cinnamon and chili powder
10 cabbage leaves
70 ml vegetable
per 100 g of yogurt and sour cream
The millet rinse hot and cook according to package insert. Then set aside. Clean the leeks, wash and chop finely and fry in a large pan in 3 tablespoons canola oil. Add millet, raisins, almonds, 1 crushed garlic clove, cumin, cinnamon and chili powder. Mix well and season with salt.
Blanch the cabbage leaves for about 3-4 minutes in boiling water, drain and rinse with cold water. Fill the cabbage leaves each with 3 tablespoons millet and leek mass, turn the margins and rollon. Possibly secure with toothpicks. Heat in a large skillet 3 tbsp rapeseed oil and fry the rolls all around. Then pour in vegetable stock and simmer for about 10 minutes with the lid closed.
For the dip force the second clove of garlic, then mix it with yogurt, sour cream and salt. Serve the rolls with garlic dip.
Enjoy your meal!