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Once arrived one does not want to leave here so fast - the Ladies SPA in Schüle's


At first: The Schüle’s Gesundheitsresort & Spa is not a designated eco-hotel. Why do I still report about it? Because it is so real. So familially. And so much feeling of security. Because here the basis for a happy life is in the foreground. Health. And that’s why they put so much emphasis on nature and regionality. Seeks nearby instead of in the distance, offers local eco products, has its own medicinal herb garden, bathes in the hay and dispenses with chlorine & Co. Quite apart from the fact that Oberstdorf is a virtually dust and allergen-free health resort.

For body and soul. Health and regeneration. Holiday and joy of life.

And somehow you can feel it too. After three days at the Schüle’s Gesundheitsresort & Spa I realized what makes the difference here. The combination of the wide flat valley floor with particularly rich green (or powdery white as in my pictures from March 2018) and the surrounding impressive peaks of the Allgäu Alps creates an exciting atmosphere

The unique climate can be felt with every breath.

Fragrant flower meadows, airy mountain peaks, traditional farms, crystal-clear (dust and allergen-free) air. Welcome to Oberstdorf. Nothing obstructs the view. Shadows are rarely seen here because the sun disappears late behind the mountains. This way you can also explore the more than 200 kilometers of hiking trails or the nearby slopes of the two-country ski area Oberstdorf-Kleinwalsertal. And the cross-country ski trail starts right in front of the house.


In the middle of nature: The natural bathing pond WITHOUT chemistry. (c) Schüle’s

Welcome to Schüle’s Health Resort & Spa. Welcome Home.

The most valuable asset of the guest? The health. And that’s what Schüle’s about. Here is prevented by the increasement of the immune system, by diet change and by all the knowledge and modern implementation of Kneipp’s doctrine. This is about a lasting wellness vacation.

The focus is on health. This is definitely our most important asset.

The house has been successively expanded in three generations of family ownership. From the Kneippkurhaus Christliches Hospiz to today’s 4-star superior health resort, which for example got first the award ” Medical Wellness und Kneipp für mich Hotel” and was awarded the “Health & Spa Award” for Best Medical Spa and Leading Spa Award 2014. Today the chapel is reminiscent of the hospice times, in which every evening a contemplative time of rest is held.

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The 5 pillars of Kneipp

Who thinks of Kneipp, think of traditional health resorts, cold water and boring treadles. What had a dusty image for a long time is lived in Schüle’s. The method, named after pastor Sebastian Kneipp, which, as I have learned, is based on five pillars, is lived here throughout the house. This is about holistic health, which includes various areas of life and which can be lived in Schüle’s. Activity, harmony, nature, health and vitality – actually quite simple, if one integrates these topics into the everyday life. The more than 150-year-old recipe for success is interpreted in a modern way at Schüle’s and brought to life for everyday use.

Off to the cold water!

First of all there is traditional Kneipp. The water basin is always accessible before the application area. Especially wonderful in summer: The Kneipp course with babbling feed in the park with a view of the massive mountain range. From the knee pouring to the arm emersions, no part of the body is spared the exchanges and washes, which incidentally always take place between 7 and 9 o’clock. I must confess – I am a real wimp.

Kneipping tightens the skin and strengthens the immune system.

But I tried two different applications and even started to walk in the snow at 7.30 in the morning. Meaning: There seems to be something in it. By now we do not have any more snow, but every morning since my stay at Schüle’s I had hot and cold showers and start the day super fresh. And by the way this not only tightens the skin, but also strengthens the immune system has a positive effect on the internal organs.

Natur triff auf frische Farben.

Natur triff auf frische Farben.

Schneetreten im Winter - Kneipp-Parcour im Sommer.

Schneetreten im Winter - Kneipp-Parcour im Sommer.

Glücklich und entspannt.

Glücklich und entspannt.

Immer verfügbar - das Indoor-Kneipp-Becken.

Immer verfügbar - das Indoor-Kneipp-Becken.

Hier habe ich meinen Armguss genossen.

Hier habe ich meinen Armguss genossen.

Frischluftpause zwischen diversen Sauna-Gängen.

Frischluftpause zwischen diversen Sauna-Gängen.

Why Lomilomi-Wellness when domestic is possible?

Instead of Hawaiian Lomilomi massage and other exotic treatments, Schüle’s focuses on domestic treatments and natural remedies from the Allgäu. Here you can indulge in wonderfully relaxing hay baths and use hay bags for shoulder and neck therapies. Good to know: If the mountain meadow hay is harvested over 1000 meters altitude, it is allergen-free. Alternative application concepts also take place here. But only if its effect is proven. Not because they are just modern.

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Immer dabei - meine Trinkflasche und Lektüre.

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Alleine der Blick auf diese Wanne entspannt mich schon.

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Hier saß ich nicht nur ein Mal.

Sanus per aquam – and pro natura

In the indoor pool (the first indoor pool in Oberstdorf!) They renounces chlorine and relies instead on ozone. Instead of a swimming pool in 2017, they decided in Schüle’s for a natural swimming pond. The Bergwasser-PanoramaQUELL is prepared with microorganisms and cleans itself.

Perfect calm, warmth, water and maximum well-being.

Without any artificial addition and without energy expenditure. The clever inlet heats the water by itself and turns the park into a thoroughly natural bathing paradise. And when you close your eyes and listen to the splashing of the overflow, you can smell the scent of the pine forest in the mountains …

Ladies SPA

In addition to the classic wellness area, there is also a Ladies Spa at Schüle’s. Flooded with light, it sits on top of the roof of the new building with a panoramic sauna, a steam bath and an infrared area. Fully glazed and always the view of the mountains. Clear that the male guests are pretty jealous. As a small concession, men are also admitted on Wednesdays. Be sure to check out: The 3-day packages for Ladies Day.

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Auch im Ladies Spa kann man Fußbäder machen. Hier mit dem Blick in die Berge.

Auch im Ladies Spa kann man Fußbäder machen. Hier mit dem Blick in die Berge.

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Die Panorama-Sauna im Ladies Spa. (c) Schüle's

Die Panorama-Sauna im Ladies Spa. (c) Schüle's

ZeitLOS – the paradise of peace

I lived in the modern extension. For me the perfect place. Directly above me the Ladies Spa, below me the bistro “SichtBAR” for late riser breakfast and lunch break. Diagonally below my room: The ZeitLOS. There is no Wi-Fi and no telephone service – so I have to leave my phone. No Instagram, no news check, no phone call.

The philosophy: Everything for the health of body, mind and soul.

Digital Detox is announced. Instead – except for the soothing crackle from the fireplace – the total silence. Nestled in my fluffy bathrobe, I come to rest on the beautiful daybed. My eyes glide through the XL window front across the width of the meadows to the mountains, which line up the picture in all directions … When was the last time I was so relaxed? I dont know.

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Kein Wlan, kein Telefonempfang - herrlich!

Hier lässt sich Zeit verbringen.

Hier lässt sich Zeit verbringen.

The masters of Medical Wellness

Not for nothing the Schüle’s call itself a pure wellness hotel. There are several saunas, brine and aroma grottos, steam baths, infrared cabins and a tepidarium, but the focus here is on health for historical reasons. Medical diagnostics, natural healing and therapy are the pillars of the Schüle’s to cover the topic of health from all directions. For stays of six days or more, a doctor’s consultation with one of the family physicians is included for the preparation of individual nutrition, physio and behavioral coaching programs.

Get well. Stay healthy. Enjoy health.

Whether medical or wellness guest – everyone benefits from the holistic range of advice, prevention and therapy. The reasons why guests book longer stays and come back here are very different. Musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, as well as burn-out prevention (at least two weeks) and treatment of acute burn-outs are very high on the list.

Pure relaxation through exercise

Walking, Stretch & Relax, Yoga (also available as an individual lesson) or Pilates – the sporty offers at Schüle’s are geared for one thing: relaxation. Under professional guidance, therefore, various courses take place indoor or in the wonderful nature around the hotel.

Mindfulness – living in harmony with nature

A wonderful opportunity to take home new techniques such as Qi Gong & Co. in your everyday life. Especially invigorating is the barefoot course in the park, which stimulates all the senses. And those who have more need for exercise meanwhile get their money’s worth in the gym.

Delight for all – the restaurant

The basis for a healthy and active life is a balanced diet. Whether it is a daily changing five-course menu or diet food – the nutritionally-trained kitchen staff will respond to personal nutritional needs and offer every guest the right nutritional form. Vegetarian food, wholefood cuisine, reduction diet, food combining, fasting & home-style or fasting – everyone gets what’s good for him here.

Always in view (or on the plate): The herb garden

And those who still have their appetite for lunch after the XL breakfast buffet with local organic products, can fortify themselves at the vitality buffet with soup, fresh salads and small snacks. In the afternoon there are homemade cakes. And in the evening you can look forward to the menu with light delicacies such as parsley root essence, steamed fish fillet and raspberry tiramisu. Do not miss: On Sundays, there is the Allgäu specialty buffet. Nobody needs to be hungry here 🙂

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Jeder Gang ein Volltreffer - mit genau der richtigen Portionsgröße.

Und genau davon hätte ich jetzt nochmal gerne ein Stück.

Und genau davon hätte ich jetzt nochmal gerne ein Stück.

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Fotografieren mit Gegenlicht - trotzdem wollte ich zeigen, was man wie immer im Blick hat.

Mein Frühstück nach dem Pilates-Morgen - ein köstlich frisches Langschläfer-Frühstück für Sportliche :)

Mein Frühstück nach dem Pilates-Morgen - ein köstlich frisches Langschläfer-Frühstück für Sportliche 🙂

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Liebevoll eingedeckte Tische sorgen für einen elegant-entspannten Rahmen.

Und Salate. Und davon gibt's am täglichen Salat-Buffet alles was das Herz begehrt.

Und Salate. Und davon gibt's am täglichen Salat-Buffet alles was das Herz begehrt.

Nachmittags gibt's selbstgemachte Kuchen.

Nachmittags gibt's selbstgemachte Kuchen.

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Late risers are welcome here!

Every biorhythm is different. While one of them is one of the Early Birds, the marmot likes to turn around in the morning. Or you have already had applications between 7 and 9 o’clock, was at the snow walking, or started the day with a Pilates lesson. At the Schüle’s, no one has to do without the deliciously fresh breakfast with regional delicacies. If you miss the official breakfast, you can catch up to 12 o’clock in the bistro SichtBAR or on the XL-terrace next to the Zeitlos. Sweeties or delicious cheese selection on small Étagères are brought to the table. Energy-giving cereals and fruit rich in vitamins round off the XL selection.

Langschläferfrühstück, mittags das Vital-Buffet oder der nachmittagskuchen. All das gibt's in der SichtBAR.

Langschläferfrühstück, mittags das Vital-Buffet oder der nachmittagskuchen. All das gibt's in der SichtBAR.

Sogar im März konnte man schon draußen sizen und die wärmenden Sonnenstrahlen genießen.

Sogar im März konnte man schon draußen sizen und die wärmenden Sonnenstrahlen genießen.

Blick auf ZeitLOS, SICHTbar und mein Zimmer.

Blick auf ZeitLOS, SICHTbar und mein Zimmer.

Herrlich clean und wunderbar (be)ruhig(end). -SICHTbar

Herrlich clean und wunderbar (be)ruhig(end). -SICHTbar

Willkommen im Frischeparadies. Willkommen in der SichtBAR.

Willkommen im Frischeparadies. Willkommen in der SichtBAR.

Ich liebe die Kombi aus Natur und cleanem Chic.

Ich liebe die Kombi aus Natur und cleanem Chic.

Adults only

Good to know: Since 2016 Schüle’s is an “adults only” hotel from the age of 16. A bold move, this concept has not just proponents. What I do not understand. As a mother of two I can only say that I feel most comfortable – especially with small children – in designated children’s and family hotels. Likewise, I understand that people want to have their rest in their well-deserved break from everyday life. I myself have experienced the “adults only” concept in the Hotel Elisabeth in the Zillertal. It took a moment to realize what was different here. The peace. Glorious. I have a thumbs up for this step!

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Do not miss: the library

A dreamlike retreat is also the library. Here you could spend hours. Always accompanied by the agony of choice. Because here you will find next to classics that you always wanted to read, always the current Spiegel bestseller list.

Conclusion after three days at Schüle’s Gesundheitsresort & Spa

Despite the 117 rooms (many of them are single rooms), everything is familially. The guests also make each other a relaxed- familially impression. Greetings without being intrusive. You chat without getting annoying. Friendly looks. Nice words. Small gestures that create this very special atmosphere. Was this my first time here? This question has actually come up to me more often. Because I felt so at home that I almost appeared in my pajamas for breakfast. Many guests stay here for three weeks (or longer) – others a long weekend. One thing they all probably have in common: the same feeling that I have taken from my stay. Arriving means really arriving here. And feel secure. From the first second. Come down. And sustainably recharge the batteries for everyday life.
Schüle’s Gesundheitsresort & Spa, Ludwigstr. 37-41a, Oberstdorf, prices: single room from 125 Euro, double room from 122 Euro per person including luxury board. More information at schueles.com


Many thanks to Stromberger PR for the uncomplicated organization of my stay and the whole incredibly symphatic and obliging team of Schüle’s Gesundheitsresort & Spa, as well as Dr. med. Lacqua for the persistent discussions and Mr. Schüle for the time he has taken to explain his heart project in detail and his interest in my work. Thank you for the unforgettable days in Oberstdorf. More information about Schüle’s Gesundheitsresort & Spa can be found her

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