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I am committed to fair fashion. And what should I say? It feels great!


My father has given me some guiding principles. One of them is “not talking but doing”. In the meantime, I have internalized it so that it has become quite self-evident for me not only to say my opinion and stand up for it. I also try to leave my comfort zone and push things over. To set something in motion.

Stand up

Commitment is exhausting – and gives so much energy at the same time!

My motto: Do ​​not talk but make. Thanks, Dad!

With commitment. Enthusiastically. And with energy, which occasionally threatens to go out, but which can also be derived from these topics. Everything is better than to do nothing. Not to mention. Just saying yes, because a no would be uncomfortable. Whine and still do nothing. Completely unsatisfying. That’s why I say: It’s worth getting up. Make it easy. There are enough topics for you to use. In this sense: Stand up!

STAND UP – Peppermynta x Waterkoog

It is all the more great that the two Peppermynta-makers Lesley and Fenja have made a joint venture with the eco-label Waterkoog from northern Germany, which is enthusiastic about water sports and creates fantastic fair fashion basics. This is not just this fantastic statement shirt. The Northern Lights have launched a whole campaign with STAND UP that calls for commitment to something that is close to your heart. Pretty great and also inspiring. On standupsummer.de you will find your dedicated colleagues.

Stand up

The STAND UP shirt makes me very, very proud!

You want to be there? Then get the statement shirt and stand up!

Oh, the STAND UP shirt feels fantastic by the way. Not just physically. It always makes me a bit proud to wear. You want one too? The much sought-after Eco-cotton-favorites are available for 29 Euro here. And with every purchase, five euros will go to the Hamburg water initiative Viva con Agua

Stand up – #letschangethatfashiongame

I have written my request on the provided cardboard sign. Fair Fashion is there now. Other things like “less plastic”, “clean oceans”, “tolerance and respect” would have been added. There is just so much for what is worth getting up. But I think the area Fair Fashion is the one I am currently most involved in. Powerful. And for so many other topics are my wonderful blogger colleagues.

STAND UP – You’re not alone!

And what should I say? It’s so good to get used to do something. Even if you are only a small part of the system. But there are still so many other parts. I was allowed to get to know some of them. Lots of favorite people, who are so enthusiastic about one thing that they are infected by others. Whether these are the wonderful #FairFashionForward girls in our Munich blogger group or the Fashion Changer in Berlin.

Together you can even move something

Or the fantastic fair-fashion designers, whose sustainable collections make the world a bit better. And the dedicated Green bloggers, who devote themselves with maximum dedication to their subjects. Together, it is not just more fun. Together, one can even move something.

Hier stehe ich mit meinem 1,54m großen Körper, mit dem ich seit 35 Jahren durch dick und dünn gehe. Der mittlerweile einige Narben, Falten und auch Speckröllchen zu verzeichnen hat. Der mich durch viele Jobs, Prüfungen und Parties powerte. Der mir meine gesunde Tochter schenkte und sie ein Jahr nährte. Mein wundervoller Körper, auf dem ich nix mehr kommen lassen möchte. Und ich wünsche mir für alle Menschen da draußen, dass auch sie mit ihrem Körper und dem Körper ihrer Mitmenschen im Reinen sind. Hier bin ich also und stehe auf für mehr BODYPOSITIVITY und BODYDIVERSITY. Keine Vergleiche, kein Genörgel, keine Maßstäbe. Ich stehe auf für eine Gesellschaft, in der die Individualität unserer Körper mehr geschätzt wird. Gemeinsam mit dem Hamburger Surfwear Label @waterkoog ruft @peppermynta_mag dazu auf diesen Sommer aufzustehen. Für deine Werte, für deine Leidenschaft, für das, was dich bewegt! Für was stehst du auf? ✊🏼 Christin [bald auch mehr dazu im Mag!] . . . #standupsummer #waterkoog #peppermynta_mag #standup #notanotherwoman #selfloveclub #eliminatebodyhate #bodypositivity #bodydiversity #bodyimagemovement #allbodiesaregoodbodies #bodypositive #selflove #stopbodyshaming #loveyourself #lovetheskinyourein #girlpower #selbstliebe #kleinaberoho #embraceyourbody #nohate #justlove

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