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My type of feminism? Do not talk about, just do it. Perfect Symbol: The Frida Sweater by The Colorful Crew


If someone had asked me a few years ago if I am a feminist, I would simply have answered: no. Not because women’s rights are not important to me. And not because I just did not think about this topic. I was, and still am, of the opinion that not everything always needs a name. Like in January at the Fashion Changers Talk at the Kraftwerk during the Berlin Fashion Week. It was about consumers and prosumers. The question of how much power customers have and how they can make changes with their purchasing decisions. Prosumer? In terms of this kind, I get goose pimples. Just as with feminism.

Prosumer? In terms of this kind, I get goose pimples.

And even though the talk was fantastic – great participants (Thanks to Nike from This is Jane Wayne, Marcus Werner from Viertel Vor, Jörg von Kruse from i+m, the consumer researcher Tine Müller and of course the wonderful Esther Rühe from Die Konsumentin who moderated the discussion).

Feminism is so important. But does it really need that name?

Of course, feminism has its right to exist. The movement is incredibly important. I’m just of the opinion that if you talk about certain things too long, a) nothing comes of it, because with the remark “oh, these feminists” peolple just put a label on you and not really take you seriously. And b): Why are we always smaller than we are? Sure, men earn more in the same jobs. Annoying. And sure, they are still considered the strong sex … but I just do not see myself as a weak sex. We are women and we are always as strong as we allow.

Sorry, I just do not see myself as a weak gender.

I am sure that I – and all other women as well – are a lot ahead of several male colleagues in some respects. For example, diplomacy is female. Empathy and teamwork too. But I do not need to emphasize that. I just use my skills, which my wonderful parents have given me for me and my topics. For my goals. For me as a woman.

Diplomacy, empathy, teamwork – these qualities are definitely female

Of course I’m talking easy now. We have 2018. Strong, brave, courageous women have fighted already over 100 years ago for our then almost non-existent rights and risked everything. And the generations later, too, paved the way for us with courage and dedication, which today we can go so effortlessly and with enviably few stumbling blocks. And I live in Germany. In freedom. In a democracy. I’m completely aware of that. And that’s why I appreciate the kind of outrageous advantage that is.

I live in a democracy and am well aware of this advantage

And that’s why it’s so important that we work for all those women who are not as well situated as we are. The suppressed, the discriminated. With events such as the international Women’s March. (Almost) all over the world, women have walked down the streets and shown that we are stronger today than ever. That we do not want to put up with anything anymore. And that’s good. Together we are strong. And every single one of us too. In this sense: Long live the feminism. Or whatever we want to call our wonderful female power. Because one thing is certain: #thefutureisfemale

Published: 28.2.2018, 5.40 pm

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