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While being polished and teased in six places, parallels are made up


The countdown to the fashion show is on. Backstage at the Kraftwerk: The models’ hair is far from sitting yet. The make-up is far from finished. Not to mention the final styling. All looks are neatly hung on the clothes rails – sorted by model. The dressers – armed with their smartphones to bridge the annoying idle time – ready.

90 minutes before the show: far from finished. The mood: relaxed.

But that will take a while to get the models into their looks, even though the show is supposed to start in 90 minutes. No one is excited here anyway. And there is no trace of hectic life either. Calming is the continuous sound through numerous dryer. There is hardly any talk. The models are busy typing in their smartphones while Aveda’s beauty experts, under the direction of Artistic Director Bastian Casaretto, brush, toup, wrap and straighten them with skilful manipulations.

Backstage im Kraftwerk

Neatly in rank and file – the clothes rails with the looks

Backstage at the Kraftwerk: brush, toup, wrap and pluck it in the chord

In between, there is always – also from me – the tasty-healthy finger food buffet nibbled. Sandwiches, fruit salad, crispy salads with couscous & Co. Of course, snacks are only allowed until lipstick has been applied. Coffee, I realize, is much more drunk in fashion circles than tea. After 25 minutes I left the backstage area. Done or moved are still not all. On the contrary: On the narrow steel staircase comes to meet a model that was not even in the mask. But now fast, she will be charged. Of course, all the models were finished make up and dressed until finally all have taken their seats.

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And the show?

This time there was no distinction between Salonshow (Greenshowroom) and Ethical Fashion on Stage (Ethical Fashion Show). There was only one show. Great decision! Because that has done the overall level very well. No barefoot dancing would-be gurus, no pasta straps bras … This time it was about real fashion. Fashion by u.a. LangerChen, Lanius, Re;code, Rhumaa, Soome, Sanikai, Stinne Gorell. Curated by stylist Claudia Herrmann, also known as co-founder of Fashion Council Germany.

My conclusion?

Overall, there is still a bit of air up in terms of dynamics, color, etc. But at least no image-damaging looks. A little more courage to celebrate sustainable fashion would be desirable. But we’re definitely on the right track … Let’s take a look?

Published: 6.2.2018

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