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Fair Fashion in Munich has many faces


I thought there are great sustainable and vegan shops only in Berlin, maybe just in Hamburg. I was all the more enthusiastic when I discovered new exciting concepts. And that’s why I decided to start the fair fashion City Guide in Munich

Popup Stores in Munich – Click here for the City guide

Eco-Hotels in Munich – Click here for the City Guide

Eco-Hotels in Munich – Click here for the City Guide

Fair Fashion in Munich – City Guide

Over time, I’ve discovered vegan shops, met concept stores with sustainable favorite items and connected café. I’ve met designers like Karin Fraidenraij who make fair fashion in Munich and can be visited in their studios and bought their collections there.

Fair Fashion in Munich: FREITAG – upcycling & smart fashion

At FREITAG, one thinks first and foremost of the colorful bags made of discarded truck tarpaulins, in which cyclists safely stow this and that, of laptop cases that accompany young creatives into the office, of colorful business card cases and key fobs, and super-practical, because washable toiletry bags. And now for almost a quarter of a century. But the Swiss label has so much more in store. In addition to the iconic truck bags, there is now the – Attention! – 100% compostable F-ABRIC Fashion Collection made from bast fibers (hemp, linen, modal). Shirts, jeans shirts, jackets and my favorite, a coat (see gallery), grown and produced in Europe. With clever details such as biodegradable buttons made of ivory nut and screwable (!) Buttons that do not stand in the way of the complete composting process.

Bei FREITAG denkt man in erster Linie an die bunten Taschen aus ausrangierten LKW-Planen, in denen Fahrradfahrer ihr Dies und Das sicher verstauen, an Laptopcases die junge Kreative ins Office begleiten, an farbenfrohe Visitenkartenetuis und Schlüsselanhänger und super-praktische, weil abwaschbare Kulturbeutel. Und das jetzt schon seit fast einem Vierteljahrhundert. Aber das Schweizer Label hat noch so viel mehr auf Lager. Neben den ikonischen LKW-Bags gibt es jetzt auch die – Achtung! – zu 100 Prozent kompostierbare F-FBRIC Fashion Collection aus Bastfasern (Hanf, Leinen, Modal). Shirts, Hemden Jeans, Jacken und mein Favorit, ein Mantel (siehe Galerie), gewachsen und produziert in Europa. Mit cleveren Details wie biologisch abbaubaren Knöpfen aus Steinnuss und abschraubbaren (!) Knöpfen, die dem vollständigen Kompostierungsprozess so nicht im Wege stehen.

Welcome in the as always to the last detail styled FREITAG cosmos.

In the Munich store one discovers then also the XL bag assortment beside the world-well-known (yes, the FREITAG bags have even made it into the Moma to New York) also quite cool Shopper, Shoulder Bages, Totes, Weekender & Co. in colorful and clean uni – each of course a unique piece. The smart brothers Daniel and Markus have found the perfect place for their usual super-designed store. Their equally visionary, as well as stylish and sustainable parts are available since July 2017 at Am Einlaß 1, opposite the Schrannenhalle. Much more Downtown is probably not.

Opening hours: Mon – Sat 10 am – 7 pm freitag.ch

FREITAG Store Munich, Am Einlaß 1, 80469 Munich

Super clean und super-praktisch - die FREITAG-Shopper

Super clean und super-praktisch - die FREITAG-Shopper

Perfekt inszeniert - die Liebhaberstücke von FREITAG

Perfekt inszeniert - die Liebhaberstücke von FREITAG

Steht als nächstes auf meiner Liste!

Steht als nächstes auf meiner Liste!

Leihen statt kaufen  - gibt's natürlich auch bei FREITAG

Leihen statt kaufen - gibt's natürlich auch bei FREITAG

Und welches ist Deine Lieblingsfarbe?

Und welches ist Deine Lieblingsfarbe?

Clean durchgestylt - hier ist nichts dem Zufall überlassen

Clean durchgestylt - hier ist nichts dem Zufall überlassen

Von klein bis groß, von uni bis bunt - im Münchner Store findet man den gesamten FREITAG-Kosmos

Von klein bis groß, von uni bis bunt - im Münchner Store findet man den gesamten FREITAG-Kosmos

Gesehen und blitzverliebt: die Leinenbluse von FREITAG (die trägt sich aber auch so verdammt gut!)

Gesehen und blitzverliebt: die Leinenbluse von FREITAG (die trägt sich aber auch so verdammt gut!)

Nadel, Fasern und die smarten, abbaubaren Knöpfe aus Steinnusss

Nadel, Fasern und die smarten, abbaubaren Knöpfe aus Steinnusss

Meine Favoriten aus der neuen Kollektion? Dieses Hemd und natürlich der Mantel

Meine Favoriten aus der neuen Kollektion? Dieses Hemd und natürlich der Mantel

Smarte Lieblingsstücke aus Bastfasern - die F-abric Collection

Smarte Lieblingsstücke aus Bastfasern - die F-abric Collection

Gedeckte Farben, smarte Materialien - für die Entwicklung der F-abric Kollektion haben die Jungs knapp zehn Jahre gebraucht

Gedeckte Farben, smarte Materialien - für die Entwicklung der F-abric Kollektion haben die Jungs knapp zehn Jahre gebraucht

Hier steckt auch beim Interior die Liebe im Detail

Hier steckt auch beim Interior die Liebe im Detail

Von der Schweiz in die Welt - die FREITAG Stores

Von der Schweiz in die Welt - die FREITAG Stores

Die kreativen Brüder haben ihre smarten Visionen sogar in Buchform gebracht

Die kreativen Brüder haben ihre smarten Visionen sogar in Buchform gebracht

Der wunderbare Leinen-Hanf-Mantel ist ab sofort mein liebster Travel-Buddy

Der wunderbare Leinen-Hanf-Mantel ist ab sofort mein liebster Travel-Buddy

DearGoods – vegan – eco – fair

No leather, no wool, no silk. At DearGoods you can find only vegan labels. In fact, there is now a vegan alternative for almost every material. Tencel is as fantastic as silk. Pineapple leather is an excellent replacement for classic leather. Vegan – eco – fair –for this the three hearts are in the logo. And the concept of Nicole Noli seems to be going on. In 2012 she opened her first business in Munich. Five years later the small DearGoods empire comprises three shops in the Bavarian capital, one in Berlin and another in Augsburg. Labels that do not live up to their fairness and animal welfare ideas remain outside. And yet there are more than 30 vegan labels in the shops of the former tax consultant. Among them are favorite labels such as Lovjoi, Lanius, LangerChen, Kuyichi, Jan ‘n June, Matt & Nat. For all non-Munich citizens: Click here for the DearGoods Onlineshop

Opening hours: Mon – Fri 11 am – 7 pm, Sat 10.30 am – 6 pm

DearGoods, Am Glockenbach 12, 80469 Munich, deargoods.com
DearGoods, Baaderstr. 65, 80469 Munich, Germany
DearGoods, Friedrichstr. 28, 80801 Munich, Germany

Phasenreich – Concept Store

Fair Faishion meets enjoyment could be said in the case of the concept store Phasenreich. In addition to selected fair fashion labels, accessories and gifts (from the boom box to the greeting card), the two founders, Shino Plum and Bianca Mirkovic, have reserved a cozy organic café for connoisseurs in their live collection. Originally in the fashion industry, the two decided to do something different. With the opening of their first store in 2014 (at that time in Baaderstraße 33), the two visionaries are definitely one of the pioneers of fair fashion in Munich. Colorful and super-comfortable vintage furniture invites you to relax, the smell of fairtrade coffee flows through the shop and between avocado bagels and fresh fruit salad you can always browse through the lovingly selected selection of fair fashion labels. My favorites? O MY BAG, Reet Out, Lovjoi, Bleed …

Opening hours: Tues – Fri 10 am – 8 pm, Sat 11 am – 8 pm

Phasenreich, Reichenbachstr. 23, 80469 Munich, Germany, phasenreich.net

Veganista – good for you and the animals

If you do not find any suitable shoes as a vegan, you have to become active – just as often. For this reason, Rahel Goldner, who actually comes from product management, has opened her small, but very, very fine store Veganista in Maxvorstadt. Since 2012 there have been ethically acceptable fashion for which nothing and nobody had to suffer. These include the dignity of man and animal, respect for the environment. This is actually possible thanks to innovative fashion labels: Great selection of shoes from Veja, Nae, Ethletics, Volver Avida and Beyond Skin. In the fashion sector, you can look forward to favorite pieces by Studio Jux, Armedangels, Jan ‘n June, Wonders, Peopletree, Komodo, Lanius & Co.

The day will come when nobody denies that the dignity of all animals is inviolable.

Good to know: Good customers also get a cup of good coffee. Rahel derives from the Fairtrade label Tazpresso. Sorry, for anyone who does not come from Munich because Veganista does not have its own online shop. But you can always book the address for your next visit to Munich. To grab a bit of vegan air, sniff fairtrade coffee or just enjoy the sun …

Opening hours: Mon – Fri 11 am – 7 pm, Sat 11 am – 4 pm

Veganista, Barerstr. 36, 80333 Munich, veganista-muc.de

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