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Welcome to the Fair Fashion Week Berlin


Again and again the German fashion week is compared with other fashion metropoles. Instead of celebrating what is offered in Berlin, namely fantastic design and wonderful craftsmanship, the fashion week is dead-eaten by the daily press and fancy colourful creatures, who are in front rows of the venues. The eternal comparisons with other fashion cities – I don’t understand why. And they honestly get on my nerves after so many years. Why do we always have to compare ourselves instead of being proud of what we have and are. We have a Fashion Week, we have great fashion and we have something the others do not have: We have a Fair Fashion Week. With all the fantastic labels at the Greenshowroom, on the premium, the German designers, who show their – in my opinion some partial couture designs in the Berliner Mode Salon (more about this elsewhere), Berlin has earned the name Fair Fashion Week.

Fair Fashion Week Berlin – Review

Back from Berlin I have loads of favorite pieces in my luggage, or as pictures on my phone. And I do not want to withhold you, of course. With it: Fair Fashion favorites from old acquaintances and great looks of new discoveries. Have fun with my Fair Fashion Week Berlin Review! By the way, the order is not a ranking!

Fair Fashion Week Darling #1: Johanna Riplinger

It is always a pleasure to meet the German-American Johanna Riplinger who lives in Paris. Her entire appearance is as delicate as her ultra-feminine, plant-colored, delicately flowing dresses, blouses, skirts and pants. With “Shine”, Johanna has just launched her cheaper second line. Here you will also find favorite pieces of organic cotton dyed with plant color. The interview will be handed over as soon as possible

Sneak Peek auf die Herbst-/Winterkollektion von Johanna Riplinger

Sneak Peek auf die Herbst-/Winterkollektion von Johanna Riplinger

Perfektes Arrangement bei Johanna Riplinger

Perfektes Arrangement bei Johanna Riplinger

Lauter hauchzarte Lieblingsstücke

Lauter hauchzarte Lieblingsstücke

Der Symbiose aus Mode und Natur: mit Pflanzenfarben gefärbte Lieblingsstücke

Der Symbiose aus Mode und Natur: mit Pflanzenfarben gefärbte Lieblingsstücke

Johanna Riplingers zweite Passion? Blumen!

Johanna Riplingers zweite Passion? Blumen!

Fair Fashion Week Darling #2: Maria Seifert

I have never met Maria Seifert personally and her collection before – except for my pants “Lotta” – I´ve only seen it in the internet. This has finally changed. Maria is as pleasant as I imagined and her new collection had even more favorite parts than I would have dreamed of. My favorites? A yellow A-line skirt made of wool felt and a fluffy-fragrant, sky-blue blouse with delicate dots. Good to know: As a lining for coats and others, the Leipzig-born uses viscose fabrics, which she buys as residual stocks. All further news about Maria Seifert Collections coming soon

Alltime Classic - Shirt von Maria Seifert

Alltime Classic - Shirt von Maria Seifert

Danke, Maria, dass Du diese Lieblingsbluse für mich präsentierst

Danke, Maria, dass Du diese Lieblingsbluse für mich präsentierst

Wie schön, dass wir uns endlich persönlich getroffen haben

Wie schön, dass wir uns endlich persönlich getroffen haben

In der neuen Kollektion gibt es auch Upcycling-Saris

In der neuen Kollektion gibt es auch Upcycling-Saris

Zeitlos schick und unglaublich komfortabel

Zeitlos schick und unglaublich komfortabel

Fair Fashion Week Darling #3: Elsien Gringhuis

Since my first visit to the Greenshowroom I have fallen in love for the collection of Elsien Gringhuis. And every single piece. Grand Eco-Darlings, Zero Waste (because produced only on order), perfect cuts, completely free of season, because she produces exactly as long as a material is exhausted, her designs are divided into Books and Chapters. With the Blendscapes Capsule Collection (photographed by Tse Kao) the Dutch designer has now brought nature to her clothes, coats and others. Conclusion: Conscious High Fashion of the Extra Class! Interview follows …

Clean Chic der Extraklasse

Clean Chic der Extraklasse

Elsien Gringhuis und Businesspartner Simon Angel

Elsien Gringhuis und Businesspartner Simon Angel

Trugbild? Auf jeden Fall großartige Kunst!

Trugbild? Auf jeden Fall großartige Kunst!

Von der Natur inspiriert - die Blendscapes Collection

Von der Natur inspiriert - die Blendscapes Collection

Lieblingsstück? Schwer zu sagen!

Lieblingsstück? Schwer zu sagen!

Klare Schnitte, reduziertes design - perfekte zeitlose Klassiker

Klare Schnitte, reduziertes design - perfekte zeitlose Klassiker

Fair Fashion Week Darling #4: Jungle Folk

Timeless favorite pieces are also to be found in the upcoming collection at the Swiss eco-label Jungle Folk. This is not about trends, but about transsaisonal clean chic, which can be combined with every occasion in a variety of ways. With eco-certified fabrics, working with seamstresses in Colombia and Bosnia, sophisticated craftsmanship, designer Pauline Theis has always been creating new pieces, which one would most likely all hang in your own wardrobe. Keep in mind: the cool shirts with the Alexander Calder prints

Luftig leicht und zeitlos chic

Luftig leicht und zeitlos chic

Sehr cool: Alexander-Calder-Prints

Sehr cool: Alexander-Calder-Prints

Close-up vom Baby-Alpaka-Mantel

Close-up vom Baby-Alpaka-Mantel

Saisonlose Lieblingsstücke von der Schweizer Designerin Pauline Theis

Saisonlose Lieblingsstücke von der Schweizer Designerin Pauline Theis

Fair Fashion Week Darling #5: Karin Fraidenraij

At a press day in Munich seen and quickly fallen in love. Not in Karin, but in her beautiful and artistic knit collection. The new collection of Karin Fraidenraij is called “diversity” and that is exactly what it is – incredibly diverse. I was once again surprised, what you can create with wool. From the west and coats with fluffy fringes to hand smocked patterns. We can look forward to capes, floor-length knitted coats, oversized cardigans with hood. Excuse me when I repeat, favorite pieces for cuddly cocooning moments at home and equally for the casual-elegant office day. My highlight? I can not say, but the knurled knit body looks with a Marlene trousers certainly incomprehensibly good.

Karin Fraidenraij macht aus Strick Kunst

Karin Fraidenraij macht aus Strick Kunst

Lieblingsstücke für zu Hause: tagesdecken und Kissen aus Strick

Lieblingsstücke für zu Hause: tagesdecken und Kissen aus Strick

Fair Fashion Week Darling #6: Jan’n June

From the kickstarter to the high-flyer – Jula and Anna made a fashion-label from a successful crowdfunding campaign, whose names are now familiar to everyone in the industry. Why? Because the two Powergirls bring exactly this on the market, what has been a bit of a long-term fashion. Sustainable fashion that is young and affordable. Absolute eyecatcher of the new collection from Jan´n June: the slipdress from recycled PET bottles. In P.I.N.K.! And now someone wants to say, sustainability can not be sexy!

Jan'n June trifft den Zeitgeist

Jan'n June trifft den Zeitgeist

Nachhaltig und bezahlbar - die KOllektion von Jan'n June

Nachhaltig und bezahlbar - die KOllektion von Jan'n June

Hightlight: das Slipdress in Pink

Hightlight: das Slipdress in Pink

Jula und Anna - die beiden Powergirls aus Hamburg

Jula und Anna - die beiden Powergirls aus Hamburg

Sneak Peek auf die Collection

Sneak Peek auf die Collection

Fair Fashion Week Darling #7: Goodsociety

I have two absolute favorite jeans and one of them is from Goodsociety the label from Hamburg. Why it is like that? It’s simple – there is the right cut for every style, they fits perfect, only GOTS-certified organic cotton is used, and people and the environment are the focus of production. Any questions?

Lässige Schnitte mit gutem Gewissen

Lässige Schnitte mit gutem Gewissen

...and to the environment

...and to the environment

Close up: Jeans von Goodsociet

Close up: Jeans von Goodsociet

Goodsociety produziert mit zertifizierter Bio-Baumwolle

Goodsociety produziert mit zertifizierter Bio-Baumwolle

Fair Fashion Week Darling #8: LangerChen

I discovered the label of Philipp Langer (Munich) and Miranda Chen (Shanghai) a while ago at Deargoods in Munich and since then I have them on the radar. Finally, I had the opportunity not only to meet one of the two makers in person, but to expand into the collection with the wonderful jackets and coats. From the yarn to the finished product the outdoor pieces are made of natural fibers with function in the own GOTS-certified factory near Shanghai. Perfect: The woolen coats with membrane are light, warm, water and windproof. This is how the next winter can come.

Wolljacke mit Funktion von LangerChen

Wolljacke mit Funktion von LangerChen

Zeitlose Farbpalette

Zeitlose Farbpalette

Fair Fashion Week Darling #9: P.I.C.

If one asks me, what belongs to my absolute highlights of the new discoveries, I would say without hesitate the label P.I.C., The two London designers have named their label Partners in Crime, founded in 2016. The two come from the Highstreet-Fashion and now use their experience for P.I.C. to make a conscious capsule wardrobe. The collection includes eight parts, all of which can be worn in different ways. You can turn around it and reverse it, open the zip fastener … Conclusion: Absolutely thought out and super beautiful. What more do you need? And we’ll hear a lot from both of them!

Das Konzept: acht Stücke, die ich prima kombinieren und vielfältig tragen lassen

Das Konzept: acht Stücke, die ich prima kombinieren und vielfältig tragen lassen

1 Kleid - zwei Looks - dafür steht P.I.C.

1 Kleid - zwei Looks - dafür steht P.I.C.

Auch das Top lässt sich auf zwei Arten tragen

Auch das Top lässt sich auf zwei Arten tragen

P.I.C. - Partners in Crime

P.I.C. - Partners in Crime

Fair Fashion Week Darling #10: nae

Shoes made of PET bottles, pineapple leather, microfibre, cork, recycled airbags – I really don´t noticed the shoe label from Portugal. Shame on me. When I passsed their stand at the Greenshowroom, a model magically attracted me: the Budapest shoes with plateau is the hammer. And the cork sneakers. And, and, and … In my upcoming posts you will definitely find from now on again models from nae. Promised!

Eyecatcher: der Budapester von Nae

Eyecatcher: der Budapester von Nae

Die Kork-Collection von Nae

Die Kork-Collection von Nae

Bestickter Kork-Sneaker von nae

Bestickter Kork-Sneaker von nae

Vegane Budapester mit XL-Plateau

Vegane Budapester mit XL-Plateau

Fair Fashion Week Darling #11: Nine to Five

That the Boho bag of Nine to Five everywhere accompanies me – as a crossbody bag, as a clutch, as a laptop case – you certainly have already noticed. Next, I fell head over heels in the star booties from the co-operation with the Hamburg-based label Black Velvet Circus. It is clear that I have also visited Sandra Schittkowski, the designer, at the Greenshowroom, to see what brilliant ideas she has managed this time. And again, there were fantastic new pieces for modern power women, such as the silver slippers with salmon leather. Do I really have to wait until the autumn / winter season? Patience patience…

Eyecatcher in der Körpermitte

Eyecatcher in der Körpermitte

Und welches ist Euer Lieblingsaccessoire von Nine to Five

Und welches ist Euer Lieblingsaccessoire von Nine to Five

Absolutes Lieblingsstück: Silber + Lachsleder

Absolutes Lieblingsstück: Silber + Lachsleder

Fair Fashion Week Darling #12: Rhumaa

And a new discovery that makes me very, very happy. Anja from the Green Fashion Agency MOSS in Berlin had already told me about her new customer. Behind Rhumaa is a newcomer label from Amsterdam that works with artists from South Africa. This also explains the fantastic prints on the blouses and dresses with the marvelously timeless and clean cuts. On the stand of label founder Daniel Beernink I spent much more time than planned. Because on the one hand I had to fondle the middle-blouse blouse from Cupro and because I was not tired of congratulating Anja on her fantastic new customer.

Perfekter Clean-Chic mit kunstvollem Muster

Perfekter Clean-Chic mit kunstvollem Muster

Südafrikanische Prints aus der aktuellen Kollektion

Südafrikanische Prints aus der aktuellen Kollektion

Lässig-elegante Menswear von Rhumaamit Twist

Lässig-elegante Menswear von Rhumaamit Twist

So kann der Sommer kommen

So kann der Sommer kommen

Dreamteam - cleane Looks und faszinierende Muster

Dreamteam - cleane Looks und faszinierende Muster

Die mittelblauen Blusen wollte ich gar nicht mehr loslassen

Die mittelblauen Blusen wollte ich gar nicht mehr loslassen

Fair Fashion Week Darling #13: Kunert

The fact that the innovative fishnet tights by Kunert from Econyl is THE sustainable fashion innovation of the year for me, is beyond question. For those who want to learn more about the incomparably well-fitting and super-torn tights from the sea – just click on the link, because I have made the fishnet thights an Eco-Darling on my-GREENstyle and dealt extensively with the subject. If you would like to know more about Econyl, you will find a corresponding article in the GREEN Glossary

Fair Fashion Week

The fashion innovation of the year: Kunert Blue

Fair Fashion Week Darling #14: Lanius

Claudia Lanius is THE eco pioneer in Germany when it comes to the combination of sustainable materials and production processes and super-feminine designs. From the Bouclécoat over the A-line skirt, the cropped pants and sled blouses, everything in her collections is what women need in their wardrobe. Made of materials like Tencel, hemp, organic cotton, vegetal tanned leather. Like the cognac-colored skirt, which I discovered on the campaign motif and already noted for the upcoming winter season.

Die Eco-Pionierin: Claudia Lanius

Die Eco-Pionierin: Claudia Lanius

Und da ist mein Liebling schon wieder!

Und da ist mein Liebling schon wieder!

Den Lederrock hätte ich am liebsten gleich mitgenommen

Den Lederrock hätte ich am liebsten gleich mitgenommen

Fair Fashion Week Darling #15: Maravillas Bags

The beautiful bags of Maravillas Bags are available in three versions: as a leather variant, as a variant of vegetable tanned leather and as a vegan variant of pineapple leather, a fiber made from the pineapple leaves. Of course, I liked the wonderfully light, slightly crunchy models made of pineapple leather, which are available as a backpack, shopper, clutch and crossbody bag. These Eco-Darlings are by the way hand-made with love on Mallorca.

Fair Fashion Week

Made from Pineapples: the pineapple collection of Maravillas Bags

Fair Fashion Week Darling #16: Alina Schürfeld

On the ground you can hardly remain with the partly dizzying high heels of Alina Schürfeld. Those who opt for the ankle boots in Signal Blue do not just want to go high. The wearer of the artful accessory will certainly be given a lot of attention. In addition to the “Skyscrapers”, the shoes collection by the Hamburg-based designer of course also features fantastic flat-topped shoes inspired by the classic men’s shoes, which are an excellent choice for androgyn-eyed looks.

Alltime-Classic: Bootie von Alina Schürfeld

Alltime-Classic: Bootie von Alina Schürfeld

Gipfelstürmer: Mega-Heels in Signalblau

Gipfelstürmer: Mega-Heels in Signalblau

On which topics of the Berlin Fashion Week you can still look forward to? Click here

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